200 Fun & Thought-Provoking Would You Rather Questions for Kids


Last updated: November 26, 2023

If you’re looking for the perfect blend of fun and thought-provoking entertainment, our list of Would You Rather questions for kids is just what you need! We’ve carefully compiled a diverse array of prompts that are sure to keep your kids laughing, thinking, and thoroughly engaged. Whether it’s during the holidays, after-school hours, or even before school, these questions are ideal for kids of all ages, from kindergarteners to middle schoolers.

would you rather questions for kids montage

Dive into an array of themes with our carefully crafted questions. Does your child love animals, enjoy silly food choices, or get excited about fantastical scenarios? Our collection includes these and many more themes, ensuring that every child finds something that resonates with their interests and imagination.

Beyond just fun, our Would You Rather questions for kids are tools for learning and development. They encourage kids to consider different perspectives, weigh options, and articulate their thoughts. It’s a playful way to enhance decision-making skills and verbal expression in children of various age groups.

Click on a link below to jump to a specific category, or simply scroll down to enjoy our entire selection of questions!

How to Play |
Printable Questions |
Funny |
Gross |
Thought Provoking |
Easy |
Hard |
Kindergarten |
Middle School |
Friends and Family |
Food |
Animal |
Body |
Toys and Activities

How to Play Would You Rather with Kids

Playing a game of ‘Would You Rather’ with your kids is a fun way to spend quality time together while helping them practice expressing their preferences and reasoning.

To get started, gather a selection of our thought-provoking and fun questions. Sit down with your kids and take turns asking them these intriguing questions. Depending on their age and reading skills, you can also encourage them to read the questions directly from the screen or paper.

Challenge your child to choose their preferred option and ask them to explain their choice. This not only fosters creativity but also promotes healthy discussions, laughter, and friendly debates. Be patient and give your child the time they need to think before providing their answer.

“Would You Rather” is a versatile game that can be enjoyed during playdates, around the dinner table, or at family gatherings, making it a great choice for interactive and entertaining moments with your kids.

Printable Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Kickstart your fun with our collection of the funniest and most popular ‘would you rather’ questions for kids, now available as printable cards! We’ve handpicked these engaging questions and arranged them on four easy-to-use sheets. Each sheet is filled with exciting prompts, designed to spark laughter and lively conversations.

Simply print them out, cut the questions into cards, give them a shuffle, and then place them in a hat, jar, or any container of your choice. Then, everyone takes turns drawing a card at random and answering the question on it. This interactive approach is perfect for family game nights, kids’ parties, or any gathering where you want to add a twist of fun.

Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Kick off the game with a good laugh with these funny would you rather questions for kids. They are sure to have your kids in stitches as they pick their preferred option.

Would you rather always have to hop on one foot or speak like a pirate all the time?

Would you rather have to wear a clown wig to school every day or a big red foam nose to the park?

Would you rather always speak in rhyme or have to sing everything you say?

Would you rather have to hop on one foot wherever you go or do a silly dance every time you enter a room?

Would you rather live in a house with floors made of trampolines or ceilings made of giant balloons?

Would you rather have to wear oversized sunglasses everywhere you go or a hat with a propeller on top?

Would you rather be able to turn invisible but only when you’re singing loudly or fly, but you have to wear a tutu while doing it?

Would you rather live in the clouds or underwater?

Would you rather have rainbow-colored hair or a nose that lights up like a disco ball when you’re happy?

Would you rather have to eat only pickles for a week or only peas for a month?

Would you rather be able to teleport but you always end up in a puddle or be able to talk to plants, but they only want to discuss their favorite TV shows?

Would you rather have to wear socks on your hands or mittens on your feet?

Would you rather have a talking backpack that gives you advice on homework or a flying bicycle to explore the world?

Would you rather have a pet alien that communicates through funny sound effects or a pet robot that always mixes up your socks?

Would you rather always have to walk backward or jump everywhere you go?

Would you rather only be able to eat with a giant spoon or drink from a comically large straw?

would you rather questions for kids hop on one leg or speak like pirate

Gross Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Slime and snot, booger and grot! We have all of the gross questions your little ones will love in this section of gross would you rather questions. We hope you’re not queasy!

Would you rather have to lick a toad or touch a slug with your finger?

Would you rather sneeze confetti or have your belly button shoot out silly string whenever you laugh?

Would you rather kiss a hairy spider or a slippery snake?

Would you rather high-five a hand covered in booger or slime?

Would you rather chew old gum or lick a used toothbrush?

Would you rather eat sardines or Brussels sprouts?

Would you rather roll in a pile of bugs or dirt?

Would you rather sleep in a barn or in a muddy paddock?

Would you rather eat garbage or drink sewer water?

Would you rather walk barefoot in a puddle of cold, squishy oatmeal or have to wear a sticky honey-coated shirt for an hour?

Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk?

Would you rather lick the bathroom floor or a dirty trash can?

Would you rather drink a glass of pickle juice or a glass of vinegar?

Would you rather have stinky feet or bad breath?

Would you rather touch a slimy slug with your bare hand or hold a handful of earthworms?

Would you rather eat a handful of insects or a spoonful of hot sauce?

would you rather questions for kids sardines or brussels sprouts

Thought Provoking Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Engage young minds with our thought-provoking ‘Would You Rather’ questions for kids, designed to spark their imagination and challenge their decision-making skills. These questions are not only fun for kids but might also make you ponder your own choices!

Would you rather have the power to change the past or see into the future?

Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the ability to fly?

Would you rather have the ability to speak and understand all languages or be a master of all musical instruments?

Would you rather live in a world with no technology or a world with no nature?

Would you rather explore the ocean or space?

Would you rather be a vet or a doctor when you grow up?

Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish?

Would you rather have a magical adventure in a faraway land or go on a space journey to explore other planets?

Would you rather have the power to make all your dreams come true or be the world’s best problem solver?

Would you rather have your own personal robot or a magic carpet?

Would you rather have every day be your birthday or every day be Christmas?

Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?

Would you rather be able to control water or fire?

Would you rather be able to fly or have the power to heal sick people?

Would you rather be a famous singer or an Olympian?

Would you rather be a rock star or a famous artist?

would you rather questions for kids superhero or wizard

Easy Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Searching for easy yet captivating questions to engage your child’s imagination? These questions are designed to be straightforward yet intriguing, perfect for stimulating your little one’s creative thinking.

Would you rather always have to hop on one foot or crawl like a crab?

Would you rather be super smart or super funny?

Would you rather own a private jet or a cruise ship?

Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a blanket?

Would you rather be laughing for five hours or sneezing for five hours?

Would you rather live in a zoo or in the jungle?

Would you rather live somewhere very hot or somewhere very cold?

Would you rather live on a farm with animals or in a mansion in a big city?

Would you rather live in a house by the ocean or a house in a forest?

Would you rather live in Shrek’s swamp or have Donkey as your roommate?

Would you rather be a chef or a farmer?

Would you rather be able to talk to plants or control the weather?

Would you rather have a magic wand that cleans your room or one that does your homework?

Would you rather wake up early every morning or stay up late every night?

Would you rather be a police officer or a firefighter?

Would you rather be the family member who tells the best stories or the one who is the best at playing games?

would you rather questions for kids smart or funny

Hard Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Now we can shake it up with some harder questions! Make sure you allow your little one to think for as long as they need, because these questions could be a little tricky.

Would you rather be able to visit any place in the world but never stay in one place for more than a day, or live in one place for the rest of your life but never leave it?

Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island with a group of people you don’t like or be alone on the island with no one to talk to?

Would you rather be an unknown hero or a famous villain?

Would you rather experience the worst pain for a short duration or mild discomfort for a very long time?

Would you rather have the power of flight but always be afraid of heights or be an excellent swimmer but always be afraid of water?

Would you rather be the world’s greatest musician but never be able to hear music again or be the world’s greatest chef but lose your sense of taste?

Would you rather have the power to make any two people become friends or have the power to stop any argument or fight?

Would you rather have the ability to make it snow in the summer or make it sunny in the winter?

Would you rather have the ability to make a wish come true once in your lifetime or have three wishes, but you can only use them to help other people?

Would you rather have the power to make plants grow instantly or make it rain whenever you want to help farmers and nature?

Would you rather have the ability to travel back in time and meet your ancestors or travel to the future and meet your descendants?

Would you rather be known as the most adventurous in your family or the best problem solver?

Would you rather discover a hidden treasure or solve a great mystery, like a detective?

Would you rather have the ability to visit any fictional world from a book or movie, or have the power to bring your favorite fictional character to life in our world?

Would you rather live in a house shaped like a giant shoe or a house shaped like a giant cake?

Would you rather be able to talk to the animals in the zoo and learn their stories or be able to visit and play with any mythical creature from stories and legends?

would you rather questions for kids pickles or peas

Would You Rather Questions for Kindergarten Kids

These would-you-rather questions for kids are well-suited for children in Kindergarten. Enjoy the fun and imaginative discussions they will bring!

Would you rather have pink hair or purple hair?

Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?

Would you rather brush your hair or let it go wild?

Would you rather be chased by a zebra or a giraffe?

Would you rather ride a horse or a cow?

Would you rather play at the sand pit or in a paddle pool?

Would you rather keep flamingos as pets or peacocks?

Would you rather have four arms or four legs?

Would you rather lie to your teacher or your parents?

Would you rather sneeze glitter or burp confetti?

Would you rather have a magical wand or a talking teddy bear?

Would you rather spend the day at the beach or the park?

Would you rather turn into a dog or a cat for a day each week?

Would you rather want it to stay winter all year or summer all year?

Would you rather have a rainbow in your room or a room full of balloons?

Would you rather take a shower outside every day or never take a shower?

would you rather questions for kids magic wand or talking teddy

Would You Rather Questions for Middle School Kids

Now, we have a special section tailored for middle school-aged kids, filled with exciting and engaging questions, challenges, and surprises! Enjoy the fun and excitement!

Would you rather have a tail that can’t grab things or wings that can’t fly?

Would you rather give a speech in front of 100 people or three people?

Would you rather have the power to instantly learn and perform any magic trick, or have the ability to talk to inanimate objects and learn their stories?

Would you rather live in a house that changes its rooms’ designs and features every week, or a treehouse with secret passages leading to different magical worlds?

Would you rather be the first person to explore a hidden underwater city or be an astronaut who discovers a new planet with a unique ecosystem?

Would you rather be amazing at sports but never play professionally or be a professional athlete your whole life but be known for choking at the biggest moments?

Would you rather always be hungry or always be tired?

Would you rather have a brief meeting with your favorite celebrity or spend a whole day with a local hero of your choice?

Would you rather be the oldest sibling or the youngest sibling?

Would you rather get your least favorite song stuck in your head for a day or have your favorite song stuck in your head for a week?

Would you rather be an athlete in the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?

Would you rather always be super early or super late to everything?

Would you rather always be sticky or always be soaking wet?

Would you rather be wildly popular on the social media platform of your choice or have an extremely popular podcast?

Would you rather ride a roller coaster or see a movie?

Would you rather move to a different city or move to a different country?

would you rather questions for kids wings or tail

Would You Rather Questions for Kids about Friends and Family

These Would You Rather questions are perfect for everyone! With these questions, you can play with the whole family.

Would you rather have one best friend or 100 acquaintances?

Would you rather be the best-looking person in your class or the funniest person in your class?

Would you rather have a family movie night or a family game night?

Would you rather go on a family camping trip in the mountains or have a relaxing beach vacation together?

Would you rather have no children or have 10 children?

Would you rather never have dinner with friends again or never have dinner with your family again?

Would you rather have a family talent show or a family cooking competition?

Would you rather live in a house with secret passageways or a house with a rooftop garden?

Would you rather spend quality time with family members every day or have occasional epic family adventures?

Would you rather have a superpower but keep it a secret from your friends, or have no superpower but your friends all have one?

Would you rather have the ability to travel to any place in the world for free, or have the power to predict the future of your favorite sports team?

Would you rather have 11 pets or 11 siblings?

Would you rather your ancestor be a famous king or a famous scientist?

Would you rather have five sisters or five brothers?

Would you rather turn into your mom or your dad for one day?

Would you rather have a day of unlimited shopping or a day of unlimited adventure in the great outdoors?

If you’re having fun with these questions, don’t forget to explore more on our page full of Would You Rather scenarios!

would you rather questions for kids shopping or outdoors

Food Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Ready to choose between some deliciously tricky food dilemmas? Check out our range of would you rather questions for kids about ice cream, Brussels sprouts, and more!

Would you rather have a family tradition of making homemade candy or homemade ice cream together?

Would you rather eat broccoli or Brussels sprouts?

Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or marshmallow for fingers?

Would you rather have a family picnic in the mountains or a family seafood feast by the ocean?

Would you rather be allowed to eat only red food or only green food?

Would you rather eat cat food or dog food for a month?

Would you rather have a family dinner cooked by a famous chef or a family dinner with all the recipes passed down through generations?

Would you rather eat only sweet foods for the rest of your life or only savory foods for the rest of your life?

Would you rather live in a house with a garden full of fruits and vegetables, or a house with a backyard barbecue setup for family gatherings?

Would you rather have unlimited potato chips or unlimited candy?

Would you rather eat rotten eggs or raw eggs?

Would you rather have a family ice cream sundae bar or a family pancake breakfast every weekend?

Would you rather have a never-ending supply of your favorite fruit or your favorite vegetable?

Would you rather have a family pizza night every week or a family pasta night every week?

Would you rather have a family baking competition or a family chili cook-off?

Would you rather eat broccoli ice cream or a piece of cat litter?

would you rather questions for kids red or green food

Animal Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Do you have an animal-obsessed child? If so, they will love these would you rather animal questions for kids!

Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish?

Would you rather have the agility of a cat or the strength of an elephant?

Would you rather be a dolphin, able to explore the depths of the ocean, or a cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth?

Would you rather have the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of all animals, or be able to transform into any animal at will?

Would you rather spend a day with a group of playful otters or a pride of majestic lions?

Would you rather have a pet snake that is non-venomous but quite long, or a pet spider that is harmless but very colorful?

Would you rather live in a treehouse in a lush rainforest, surrounded by exotic wildlife, or in a house on a beautiful, tranquil farm with friendly farm animals?

Would you rather be a world-famous wildlife photographer, capturing incredible moments in the animal kingdom, or a renowned zoologist, studying and protecting endangered species?

Would you rather have a pet monkey or a pet parrot?

Would you rather have a panda or a koala as a pet?

Would you rather ride a camel or an ostrich?

Would you rather stroke a snake or a tarantula?

Would you rather have a pet fox that’s mischievous and playful or a pet sloth that’s incredibly laid back?

Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?

Would you rather swim in a shark tank or put your head in a lion’s mouth?

Would you rather be able to dig like a mole or climb a tree like a squirrel?

would you rather questions for kids pet dragon or unicorn

Body Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Spark your young one’s imagination with these quirky and fascinating would you rather questions about the human body! They’re bound to ignite their creativity and set their minds racing with amusing thoughts.

Would you rather have ears that can change colors with your mood or a tongue that can taste flavors nobody else can taste?

Would you rather have a nose that can smell the past or a mouth that can taste the future?

Would you rather be able to change your height at will or change your voice to mimic any sound or accent?

Would you rather have an extra set of arms like an octopus or legs that can transform into wheels for fast transportation?

Would you rather have skin that can change texture like a chameleon or be able to see in complete darkness like a cat?

Would you rather be tickled every day or feel itchy every day?

Would you rather walk everywhere on your hands or have to hop everywhere on one leg?

Would you rather have an extra-strong sense of smell or be able to generate a beautiful light show from your fingertips?

Would you rather have a mouth that can speak any language fluently or a brain that can instantly solve complex mathematical problems?

Would you rather have a super-sensitive sense of touch or the ability to control your body temperature at will?

Would you rather never be able to smell again or never be able to taste again?

Would you rather have a mouth that can smell or a nose that can taste?

Would you rather give up a finger or a toe?

Would you rather have an extra nose or an extra ear?

Would you rather have to eat everything through your ears or drink everything through your belly button?

Would you rather have red eyes or a red nose?

Would you rather have eyes that can see through walls or ears that can hear whispers from far away?

Would you rather have hands that can shoot sparks like fireworks or feet that can grow wings for short flights?

Would you rather have two noses or one eye right in the middle of your forehead?

Would you rather have twelve fingers or twelve toes?

would you rather questions for kids sneeze glitter or burp confetti

Toys and Activities Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Ready for something uniquely fun? Dive into these toys and activities-themed Would You Rather questions and discover what your kids love most.

Would you rather spend a day at an amusement park riding roller coasters or have a relaxing day at the beach building sandcastles?

Would you rather go to a music concert or watch a huge fireworks display?

Would you rather go on a thrilling zipline adventure through the treetops or embark on a hot-air balloon ride high above the landscape?

Would you rather learn to snow ski or water ski?

Would you rather give up YouTube or Netflix?

Would you rather give up your computer or your TV?

Would you rather take a ride on a speedy go-kart track or spend a day at an indoor trampoline park?

Would you rather go on an epic hiking and camping trip in the mountains or embark on a kayaking adventure down a serene river?

Would you rather visit a science museum full of interactive exhibits or explore an art gallery with beautiful paintings and sculptures?

Would you rather go on a horseback riding expedition through the wilderness or have a day of non-stop fun at an indoor water park?

Would you rather have one expensive toy or 100 cheap toys?

Would you rather spend a day at a space observatory learning about the stars and planets or have a day of thrilling indoor rock climbing?

Would you rather attend a magic show with mind-boggling tricks or witness a circus performance with acrobats and clowns?

Would you rather spend a day at a wildlife sanctuary observing exotic animals or go on a thrilling white-water rafting adventure?

Would you rather look at art all day or read books all day?

Would you rather live without a TV or without a phone?

Would you rather play all games alone or always play games with a friend?

Would you rather have a day of building an epic blanket fort with your friends or a day of playing at a huge indoor playground?

Would you rather go on an exciting treasure hunt in a treasure map adventure or have a day of making your own colorful, bouncy slime?

Would you rather it be a snowy day or a rainy day today?

would you rather questions for kids roller coaster or beach

Keep the Fun Going!

If our “would you rather questions” left you wanting more, you’re in for a treat. From holiday-themed laughs to mind-engaging games, there’s something on our site for every mood:

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