How to Easily Find Off-Market Properties


Finding off-market properties was much harder a few years ago than it is today. Before you’d have to drive for dollars, mark down addresses, build a spreadsheet, constantly update it, and maybe, just maybe, you’d get a motivated seller willing to do a deal with you. This process was overly complicated, expensive, and took too much time. Because it was so challenging, many new real estate investors would forego looking for off-market deals entirely and only stick with on-market MLS listings. But things have changed.

We’ve brought back four-time guest, Justin Silverio, onto the podcast to talk about his new tool, Invelo. Invelo puts all your lists, leads, and tasks into one place, so you’re not scatterbrained when building an off-market lead flow. This app allows anyone, no matter their experience level, to find owners, phone numbers, and addresses while tracking your touch points in a systematized, automated way, so you always have new leads coming in.

This software is a game changer for flippers, wholesalers, and any investor trying to dodge the high prices and agent commissions of buying on-market. And Justin assures us, even if you’ve never done an off-market deal, Invelo will give you everything you need to successfully get the first one in the bag. Stick around ‘til the end of the episode, where we share a special way to start marketing for free with this game-changing tool!

This is the BiggerPockets Podcast, show 685.

The way that I look at Invelo and what we’re trying to design is, we’re not just trying to create a product, a software product. We’re combining software, education and community. Because I really feel like all of those pieces are really important. Now, on the software side, we are a true end-to-end solution for a sales journey. So you can pull lists, you can manage prospects, you can manage leads, you can manage deals, you can market out to potential home sellers.

What’s going on everyone? This is David Greene, your host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast here today with my co-host, Roberto Abasolo, and we’ve got an amazing episode for ya. Today, Rob and I are interviewing Justin Silverio, the creator of Invelo, a software that helps you find off market properties and reach out to the owners to get stuff locked up at well below market rates through the targeting of motivated sellers. Justin explains the system that he created, how it can help you as an investor, and how to use it, which is pretty freaking cool. Rob, what were some of your favorite parts of today’s show?

Well, first of all, I’m hurt that you didn’t notice that I was wearing the t-shirt that accompanies my favorite book in the world, BRRRR, by prolific author, David Greene. But secondly, this show’s awesome. I think it’s a really cool platform for literally any type of investor out there. I think it applies to wholesalers, flippers, short-term rental people. Really, if you’re just looking to acquire assets, and if you want to get them under market, this seems to be a very, very comprehensive tool that can help you do that.

Absolutely, and if you’re watching on YouTube, Rob and I are both wearing our custom made BiggerPockets t-shirt. His says, BRRRR Recycle with the recycling emblem. And mine says, Will You Be My Mentor? So if you’re not following us on YouTube, consider checking that out. You get to see all the facial expressions, the nuances, and Rob’s coif, which has its own personality, and it shows up differently on every episode. So a matter of time before that coif gets its own Instagram. So until then, check it out on YouTube.
Before we bring in Justin, today’s quick dip is, listen all the way to the end of the show. Because if you want to ramp up your investing success, BiggerPockets can help you do that. We are going to give you a discount code for a Pro membership, as well as explain all the new things that make Pro better that we at BiggerPockets have put into place for you. And I can promise, you will be impressed when you hear about this. So listen all the way to the end and get that discount code if you are not a Pro member. Rob, any last words before we bring in Justin?

Yes, I have a quick, quick tip number two, and that’s, if you want to buy these awesome t-shirts, you can order them. They’re linked on YouTube in the description of this video, so be sure to do that. Which one you’ll get, that will be up to you. But they’re both great shirts, very comfortable, very soft cotton on my skin, Dave.

That must be why you are in such a good mood today. Makes sense. If you want to be in a good mood like Rob, get one of these t-shirts. All right, let’s bring in Justin. Justin, welcome back to the BiggerPockets Podcast. How many times is this now? How many times have you been on?

This is three. This is three. Very exciting. Each one of them is all very exciting to be on.

And they go back pretty far. So you were on episodes 58 and 194, you must have just been a puppy back then in episode 58. What was going on in your life when you did your first BiggerPockets interview, and what’s going on now?

It’s funny. At the time, I didn’t think I was a pup, but now looking back, yes, absolutely. Back then on the first one that I was on, I was still building out my investment business, and flipping homes. And trying to get into the routine and just learning through the process of buying properties, the right finishes to do, the renovation, selling. So still really learning and growing the business.

I don’t know that we’ve ever dug super deep into your story. I’m curious though, what was going on in your life that made you say, I’m going to do this crazy, beautiful, frustrating, no idea where it’s going to take me journey of real estate investing, and then what made you stick to it?

Yeah. Growing up, I was always around entrepreneurs, my father, my brother, my uncles. I always knew I wanted to do something on my own, but I didn’t know what that was. And it was when I was working at my accounting job in a private equity venture capital shop, that I got a lot of exposure to larger companies. And I always wanted to be on the deal side, but I just didn’t know what it was. And then I came across, it might have been HGTV, flipping properties, and looking at it and saying, “You know what? This is actually really interesting.” Growing up, my father was in construction, so I always thought construction was amazing. There was an art to it that he was building these properties from raw materials, and I loved that, but I didn’t have exposure to it, knew how to build, but I knew numbers really well.
So I said, you know what? This kind of combines both aspects of what I enjoyed, numbers and learning more about construction. So I asked my father, I said, “Hey, you want to team up and start buying properties, renovating them, and then selling them?” And he agreed. And he was always very supportive in the fact of, hey, let’s try something out that you enjoy. And if you love it, take over and keep running. So that’s really was my first step into entrepreneurship and I absolutely loved it. I just fell in love with real estate, just the ways that you could structure deals, how you can help sellers in really challenging situations. That aspect, I only learned when I started to buy properties of how much I can help a person’s life out by doing this. And that is I think what really got me invested even more and excited about the industry, and then it just kind of spiraled from there.

So now since actually developing your real estate portfolio, would you say… Because you started a couple of companies, so you were developing your real estate side of things, that’s probably crazy. And then you’re like, hey, you know what? I should make my life a little crazier, I want to start a company. What led to that decision?

That’s just how I am. And it’s funny, my wife always says that. She’s like, “For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always had two things going on. You’ve been working or you’ve been studying for this and studying for the CPA. You’re working and then starting real estate business. And then when you left your full-time job, now you opened another business.” And for me, it’s more, I love business and working, and identifying challenges and trying to solve them. So as I was going through my real estate investment journey and purchasing properties. And the tactical way that I would always market is I would send direct mail. And that method of marketing worked really well for me, and I really understood the strategy behind it, how to stand out from your competition, and really looking at all the numbers.
And I did it in a way that was very unique to anything else that was on the market or offered to real estate investors. So that’s when I said, you know what? I see a huge void in the market of how to market properly to home sellers and help other investors become more successful. So that’s when I started my other business, my marketing business, Open Letter Marketing. And really it was just solving an issue or a big void in the market that led me to that business, and now ultimately to Invelo on the technology side, solving another huge need in the industry.

So yeah, you build this company, because Open Letter Marketing is rather successful. One would most of the time think, I’m good, I did it. I’ve built a great company and a great real estate portfolio, but you did it again. So from an entrepreneurial standpoint, when you’re starting companies, do you feel like you want to fulfill a need for a large group of people, or is it just an internal desire to also do more? What actually drives the idea of starting completely fresh when you’re already pretty established?

Yeah, I think it’s a little bit of both. For me, once I have a company up and running, and it reaches the level of I guess “success,” or the company is systematized and you have people running the business. For me, I can never really sit back, I always want to do more, or get into something different, or add onto that. And that also kind of combines with, if there’s a huge void in the market, and if I’ve had a challenge going through that, and I see that other people have that same challenge, I want to create a solution. And I will not stop until I find that solution. And if I can help other investors or other people in the industry out by solving that problem, then that’s kind of what I’m looking to do. And that’s where I find the most success is when I can see that people are becoming successful because of either using our product or service. That makes me so happy to be able to offer that, and to share those successes with other clients and customers.

You know I love that. I love that your motivation is to help other people win, and that you understand business in America is accomplished by creating something that helps other people do better in life. It’s not accomplished by taking something away. It’s this opposite of the predatory education person that says, “Pay me a $100,000, I’ll teach you how to flip a house.” You’re like, “Hey, one of the hardest parts of flipping a house is finding a deal. You can find better deals if you go off market. Here’s the system that you can use to go there.” And I wish we had more people in the space that took that approach. I’m curious, before we move on to more about your system, just about the motivations itself. Do you find yourself frustrated with elements of our business, and that frustration is what motivates you to create the solution to the problem? Or is it a different motivation that’s driving you?

No, I think it comes from the frustration within our industry. Our industry has skyrocketed since I started investing, there are so many more people, and technology has grown and things have shifted. But I would still say that technology, while it’s grown, it still hasn’t had a huge effect on us, and people haven’t leveraged it to the point that they should really be able to utilize. And for no other fact that there’s just not a lot of companies coming into this industry and really trying to take that on. But seeing from the front line with a lot of our customers at Open Letter, just the frustrations that they go through in their day-to-day lives, and their business, and even same with me. And I can easily relate with them, and we can talk about the nitty gritty of how much time it takes to do such a simple task, and why that is, that shouldn’t even be around in 2022. And making sure really if all these other people have these issues, it’s keeping them back from really truly getting to success where they want to be.
So just trying to get through those struggles, and give them a little bit more of a direct line to success. Rather than going up and down and trying to figure out how things are working. So for me, it’s always, again, it goes back to education. I can provide anybody the same tool, but everybody’s going to use it differently. It’s providing them with the education and the best practices of what I’ve learned through my journey, and even a lot of other investors through their journeys, that we connect with our customers. I always want to provide that education and the best practices to get people to their goal faster.

Can you give me an example of a problem you encountered, a frustration specific to the business, that you then said, okay, I’m going to figure out how to solve this and then make it part of one of my companies?

Yeah, I would say the first one with Open Letter Marketing is direct mail. Most everyone was utilizing yellow letters. That was the biggest name, that’s what everybody used when they started. So I said, all right, well, everybody’s using that product, that’s awesome. Because I’m going to use something completely different. And I’m going to stand out from everybody else, and I’m going to understand not only the strategy or not only what to send people, but the strategy behind it. How we can send specific pieces in different messaging to get people to call us back. And I’m going to do it in a way and test and try, and track, and adjust until I feel like I have a really solid strategy down. And only at that point when I fully understood that I did, and tested it against other competitors and what other people were using, that’s only when I started to form Open Letter Marketing.
And really it transpired into the same thing with Invelo. Hearing a lot of people talk about how challenging it is to manage their databases, to make sure that they remove people that sold their homes out of their database so they’re not marketing to them, or people that say, take me off your list. Or when they refresh your list, how do you update all your records in your databases? And if they have multiple databases that they’re managing, how do you get these all in sync? Just hearing that over and over and over again, I was like, there has to be a better way. And not seeing that solution out there, I said, I’m going to make sure that I solve that, not only for myself but just for the real estate investor community.

That’s awesome, man. I have been workshopping, and I know you probably don’t want to give too many tips to a competitor. But I’ve been workshopping like a marketing company where I send letters out, but they’re all printed on headshots of Dave, but I’m still kind of wire framing what that could look like. Dave won’t sign over the rights to his headshot to me yet. But moving on here. So we’ve kind of established you were kind of a pup getting started out, and now you’re a bit of a Rottweiler here in the service industry. And then now you started Invelo. You started talking about some of those frustrations that led to why you started that company. But can you just give us an overview of what it is? And then from there, I want to dive in a little bit more behind some of those frustrations that you’re solving with your service.

Yeah, sure. So the way that I look at Invelo and what we’re trying to design is, we’re not just trying to create a product, a software product. We’re combining software, education and community. Because I really feel like all of those pieces are really important. Now on the software side, we are a true end-to-end solution, for a sales journey. So you can pull lists, you can manage prospects, you can manage leads, you can manage deals, you can market out to potential home sellers. So you can do all that within the database. Now the unique thing that we do is, we offer that complete package under one umbrella, which gives you so much more than just the one off those individual components. From there, you have one database to manage, everything’s in sync. You can understand analytics and KPIs from beginning to end.
So I’ll give you an example. Most investors that market direct-to-seller, they usually have different phone numbers for each list that they market to. And they do that because they want to understand when somebody calls me on this phone number, they’re an absentee owner, or they’re driving for dollars, they’re on my driving for dollars list. With our system, because it’s all in one, you don’t need those additional phone numbers because from when you started to pull the list all the way to when you have a deal, that list is always attached to it. So now you don’t need to purchase different phone numbers just to identify the list that they’re on. It’s done for you all in the system. And right now, because most investors have to manage their whole sales journey through multiple databases, they don’t talk to each other and they’re not in sync. So they still need those kind of little nuanced issues and complexities in their system. So that’s kind of what we’ve been working on to solve.

Yeah, I think that this would really hit home for… it hits home for me because I remember getting started out, there really was no level of organization, not even a little bit. So most new investors are very frantic, frenetic, they’re just trying to figure it out. They’ve got like a notepad. I probably have notepads on my desk here with information. So purely from an organizational standpoint, I could see how this could be a game changer for having an actual system. I guess what would you say, how could a newbie getting into real estate? What would probably be the game changer here for them? Is it just giving them a system and a CRM to actually get started on? How would this really be a game changer for someone starting today?

Yeah, so going back to how we developed the system, we always wanted to help walk the user through best practices. So whether that’s from pulling a list or creating a prospects database, we are guiding them through the process. And we do that on the technology side with giving them easy preset list that they can click one button, enter in their geography, and then they can see a list of all those records that meet that criteria. And these lists that we’re providing, they’re not just the basic lists that you can pull anywhere else. They’re done over the years. They’re implemented from experts analyzing and making sure that we have the right criteria for them. Very unique lists that other people aren’t using. We do all that, so the user, really the goal is for them to navigate the platform and think, oh my God, I am the smartest person. I know exactly what I’m doing. But really it’s the intelligence and pushing people through that process.
But also, it’s from the education standpoint. So we have created many, many videos that teach people from step one all the way through putting a deal together. So we talk about all the things, like where should your farm area be? What should you look at? What are the stats that you should look at to identify if it’s the right area? How do you pull lists? Why is it important to pull lists? How do you market to sellers, how do you talk to them? How do you put a deal together? So we walk through everything and share all of the tips and best practices, so they can really go step-by-step, and utilize the education with the platform, so it’s a much easier and straightforward process.

All right. I have two questions that I’m just chomping at the bit to ask you. The first, because I just don’t want to forget, is going to be, how do I want to phrase this? I’ve noticed anytime there’s a system, there’s two components to a system, and we tend to only focus on the first one, which is the actual steps that are needed. So oftentimes when someone is given a system or taught a way to do things, it’s very similar to a checklist. Here you go, here’s your system, just go do this. But the second part of the system is even more important, and it’s the skill in the execution. If it was so simple that it was just a bunch of checklists, a monkey could do it, and then everyone would be successful. But there’s actually a skill that is necessary to be able to accomplish whatever the said system would be.
So the first question that I’m going to want to ask is, what skills do you find are necessary to make a system like this work? Because you got to have some ability to talk to people, you got to have some creativeness in your brain to be able to put these things together. And the second question, which is what I’m really getting at, is for someone like me, a little bit more established of an investor, I’m probably not going to send out letters and talk to every incoming call myself, right? I’m going to want to leverage this out to other people. Is there a way that this could be implemented, and what would be the pieces that I would need if I wanted to add this to my ecosystem for investing? So we’ll start with what skills are needed and then could this be leveraged?

And on skills that you needed, you’re talking from a user standpoint, from an investor standpoint or?

If somebody says, hey, I want to take Justin’s system and I want to go put it into place and execute it, what are the skills they need to know walking in, that they have to be able to perform?

With our education, we really look at this system as anywhere from a new investor to an intermediate, to experienced investors. So we try to identify and outline all of the different pieces. And our plans are even outlined that way. So for our free plan, that is mainly used for beginners. And we give them a path that’s going to be much easier and kind of more of the starter plan, where there’s presets, they don’t really have to do much kind of thinking through the process, like what lists, what marketing to be able to pull, it’s done for them. So with that, I would say that investor has to understand the process of a real estate deal. How to make offers, all of that, those tactical skills. We do provide that education along the way. But really if somebody’s new coming into this, and they have never done any direct-to-seller marketing or used Excel spreadsheets or anything like that, from a fundamental understanding standpoint, they have to understand how technology works and how a CRM works.
And we try to do that through the onboarding process of teaching them the different aspects. But we try to guide them through that process of step-by-step. But I think from a technology standpoint, that’s probably the biggest thing that they have to learn or understand. From a real estate investor perspective, they should understand the whole acquisition side. So they should understand how to put a deal together and structure. And really the path that we have them go through in the system is very much in line in a seamless process.

That’s really cool.

Again, our plans offer, you can have teams in place. So for instance, as you’re going through and if you have somebody that just does your marketing or just works on pulling lists, or you have an acquisitions manager. You can actually create a team and assign different records to different team members, so they can make sure that they’re going after the right properties that they’re assigned to. You can have notes back and forth to your team members, so you have different pipelines. The system is really broken down into three main kind of databases, prospects, leads, and deals. Prospects are the people that you have a property that you want to reach out to. Leads are people that raise their hand and say, hey, I might be interested in selling. And deals are the one you purchase, but now you need to do something to make money.
So when I break it down like that, the prospects and the marketing are really your marketing team. Your marketing team, they would be pulling the list, they would be managing your prospects database, they’d be marketing to those prospects. And then your acquisitions team would be only looking at your leads pipeline. And the leads pipeline can be broken out. So people can be assigned different records, you can make sure that they’re communicating with those prospects. And if they’re not, you can get updated the record or the lead has gone stale. So you can send followup marketing to them.
And then the deal is you can have a dispositions manager. So if you have a dispositions person and you just purchased a property, and now maybe you want to assign it or you need to renovate it, you can still bring that property through the deals pipeline, and have your dispositions manager manage that aspect of the system. So we broke it down into three main pieces of the system, because that’s ultimately how much larger investment companies are built out. You have your marketing team, and you have your acquisitions people and dispositions people.

Let me see if I’m understanding this, because it seems like a relatively… When you lay it out, it seems very straightforward in a good way. So with the first bucket, you’re saying that, that’s your marketing and outreach. Are the actual tools in there… You’re saying you’re pulling lists. And when you say pulling lists, you mean lists of properties and everything of people that you want to reach out to?

Yes. So motivated tellers. Yeah, and the features. So we broke it out into those three sections, because there’s features and functionality that are going to vary based on where your property is in that pipeline. So for prospects, we have a list builder aspect, so you can pull lists and bring them into your prospects database. And when you have prospects, before you start to go market, really the skill behind that and what we train people and show them in the platform, is to really understand their prospects before they even spend any marketing dollars. And we see this from investors that are even doing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of marketing a month. We see this all the time with Open Letter Marketing, that they’re still not really understanding their prospects before they go to market. And what that creates is they spend a lot more money than they need to, to get a conversion on their marketing dollars.
And just to give you an example, we’re able to identify in your prospects database, which records are high, medium, and low quality, right? Who’s more motivated to sell? And we can do that through sifting and sorting, and understanding, list stacking, all those kind of segmentation filters. But the importance behind that is because if you have a marketing budget, and now you spend 70% of your budget toward your high quality records, 10% to your low quality, 20% to your medium quality, you still have the same marketing budget, but you’re allocating your funds much more appropriately, and you’re going to actually increase your ROI by doing that.
So that’s just one aspect of the prospects database that we really hone in on because we don’t want to just offer a prospects database, we want to show you how to maximize your dollar, your marketing dollars. So helping people through that and getting them to understand that, there’s a lot of education in it. But that’s the big piece, we want to educate people. We don’t want to just give them the tool and say, here you go, good luck. We want to help guide them through that.

And by the way, for everyone at home, we’re actually going to do a product demo where we show you the tactical aspect of the platform. So stay tuned for that. Because it’ll help visualize what we’re talking about. But Justin, when you’re talking about the list, I want to make sure that I’m clear. Because you’re saying a lot of the times people are just burning cash because they’ve got, let’s say a 30,000 person-list, and so they’re marketing to 30,000 people. When in reality, if they just really shaved down that list to people that actually might convert, they could spend way less money just focusing on a much smaller set of people?

That’s correct, yes. And the way we do that too is by pulling different lists in our list builders. So we have the ability, really we have hundreds of different filters, but we narrow it in and offer seven different lists that people can just basically click one of the presets, enter in their geography, and pull that list so that it comes into your prospects database. And if they pull all those seven different lists and bring them in, one of the tactics that we use is saying, hey, which properties are on two or three or more lists? And by doing that, we can identify which records are on multiple lists because they’re potentially more motivated because maybe they’re an absentee owner, their property is vacant, and they have a lot of equity in their house.

Okay, that’s what I wanted to know because you mentioned that you can find the motivated sellers. Is it simply because they sort of check the box on a lot of things that might be criteria for what’s considered a motivated seller? So I’d even imagine something like, and maybe this is a feature, maybe it’s not. But someone who’s delinquent on taxes for example, is that a filter that would tend to show someone is a bit more motivated or would be a more motivated buyer?

Yes, absolutely. So as you pull in lists into the database, you can specify the quality of the list that you’re importing because for tax delinquent, vacant properties, driving for dollars, to me, those would all be high quality lists because they’re generally more challenging to pull. So it thereby would make it a little bit of a better list as well as it’s more situational. If somebody has tax liens on their house, then they have a more desire or more of a need to sell. Somebody that just has equity in their house. I don’t see that as a high quality, that’s more of a lower quality list. But then if you start to stack all these lists together and identify which properties are on one of these high quality lists and multiple other lists, and then you can segment all those records into a high quality or your high quality records list, and then you can start creating a marketing campaign specifically for those people.

That is a principle that I find… I’m really glad to hear that you’re incorporating that. It works in many ways, in many forms of business. In general, what you’re looking for is, each of these lists have some properties that are more likely to be a motivated seller than other lists. And by combining them all, and what’s that graph where there’s circles that intersect, there’s a name for that.

Like a Venn diagram?

You know what I’m talking about?


Is that what this is, a Venn diagram? Where it’s like you’ve got this and you’ve got this where they intersect-

Big circle and then there’s like a little middle in there.

Yeah, yeah.


There we go. Thank you Rob for being a nerd.

You’re okay.

A Venn diagram. The more list that you add into this and the more intersection points are, the higher the likelihood starts to become that you’re going to get the motivated seller, which is the deal. It’s very similar when you’re looking at a property itself, where I’m looking at, okay, I’m probably not going to get a house for a 50% of what it’s worth, but can I find a house that has several elements that all come together in the same property that are all base hits? So is there a way I can add value? And then can I get it for less than market value? And then can I get some perk from the seller that’s going to make this deal better? Is this in an area that’s going to appreciate more than other areas?
Is this in a tax advantaged strategy that’s going to save me money somewhere else? And if you put six of these things together in the same deal, what looked like a boring deal that was in plain sight to everybody is actually very, very exciting because they didn’t see all the different elements of it. It almost sounds like you’ve created software that’s doing the same thing with finding motivated people. Any of those properties on a list on its own doesn’t necessarily jump out, but when you combine it all together, you start to get a very attractive asset to pursue.

Absolutely. And that can vary depending on your investment strategy. And at one point, there was a time that I was doing wholesaling in suburban areas, and then I was doing infill new construction in the city where I was doing multifamily condo conversions and whatnot. So in the suburbs, it would be looking at absentee, they have tax delinquents. But in the city, it would be a house or a property that was one or two units, but was on a lot of over 5,000 square feet. And if it was, that means that I can convert that as well as it was on a specific zoning, but I can convert that to a three or a four unit now. They’re completely different strategies, but really understanding where the threshold and what you can actually do with the property that’s on different lists, was the key to everything.

Oh, I actually had a quick question on your list. You find it, you find the prospects, and then when you reach out to them, you’re saying that, that’s your first set of people, that’s your first someone on your team that could do that. Is that then done through another platform, or is it still, can the outreach actually happen from Invelo?

Yeah, the outreach can still happen through Invelo. So we have direct mail, we have ringless voicemail, we have email that is offered within the platform. And then if you are using a system outside, we do offer integrations and exporting from the system into other databases. But the important thing is you’re still capturing the cost to do that marketing outside of the system. So again, we can still funnel back the KPIs and record that information in our system, so you know which marketing activity is actually performing the best.

Okay, that’s very cool. So you’re saying the integrations, if there are other tools that are part of your ecosystem, they can possibly be I guess connected or integrated like you said?


So that you don’t have to actually walk away from a current ecosystem that you’ve worked. Because that’s always a hard thing for me. I do different tech stacks and everything like that. So whenever a new software that seems cool comes about, I’m always like, oh, can it actually connect with everything? And when it does, I’m like, oh. It’s a pretty easy sell for me whenever I do that, because I’m like, all right, I get to keep everything in my dashboard and then connect all the tools and make my life a little bit easier.

Yep, absolutely. Absolutely. And that’s a big thing. We’re working on the Zapier connection as well as direct connections to many different platforms that investors use. And that’s really critical for us, like you mentioned, is for it to be a very simple integration, so people can access different platforms that they use for maybe different segments of their system. So it’s really all contained within Invelo, but then it can talk to all those other platforms.

I see that. Okay, that’s cool. Yeah, I’m in now because… Oh, I was in before, but let me just say I am a big fan of Zapier because I’m an automation nerd. I am trying to automate so many aspects of my business and of my life, and Zapier’s what I use to literally, it automates with my Slack channel, with all my CRMs, with my emails, with my payment channels. It really does help connect the ecosystem. So that’s cool. All right. So it is a way of even adding to automation if that’s what you want in your business.


Which you should, if you want to scale up. Automation is king.

Yeah, automation is critical. Automation is critical, and we really try to leverage that within the platform. So the complexities that I was mentioning before, if you’re marketing to a bunch of records or sellers, if one of them sells their home, you don’t want to continue to market to them. And neither should the investor really have to go back and scrub all of their records to see who sold their house. The system can just do it for them. Our database, our properties database that Invelo holds, is updated every single day. So if a house sells, we immediately get notified, and then we move their record out of the marketing for the user. So really you don’t have to think about that stuff.

So you’ve been in the game for a long time, Justin. In your opinion, what’s the right avatar of investor, the person who’s listening to this, how does someone know if this strategy is the right strategy for them?

So as far as strategy, I mean this system can be utilized for anybody that’s going direct-to-seller, that is marketing off market, or even people that are working with other wholesalers or real estate agents, and they want to manage all of their leads and records into one database, it could be used for either one. But the real value comes on the direct-to-seller marketing. And we really look at people that are doing single family, to small to mid multi-family, that’s kind of the investment focus that this system was built out for.
And anybody that’s either a newbie to an advanced investor, the newbie investor, we have a lot of that education to help train them or educate them on best practices. And the functionality and features that we have in the system will work not only for beginners, but also advanced investors. So when they really get deep down to understanding, hey, I want to be able to skip trace my records or find other people because this person hasn’t called me back. And I want to find who else owns the property or is associated with the property, they can even do that in the system as well.

Now what about geographic locations? Is it going to work the same in Manhattan, New York or San Diego, California as it’s going to work in Columbus, Ohio? Or do you find that certain price points of certain areas have more success than others?

No, I would say this system will work… Again, this system is for management of records. So we have access to all properties throughout the whole United States. I believe it’s over 155 million records that we have access to. And we have data points on all of those properties. So anyone who’s doing it in Manhattan or somebody else who’s in Ohio, the system will work for them. Now, with data, there’s always going to be, as you get to the larger commercial size properties, the data’s a little bit more challenging when they’re going and standardizing all that data. So that’s why I look at our system as really single family to mid level multi-family owners, or investors.

Yeah. I’m wondering about the use cases for this, because we talked about the size of the homes that really thrive within the platform, but the actual type of investor as well. Outside of the experience level, are you seeing a correlation between wholesaling or flippers, or are there even opportunities for people in other more niche areas like short term rentals for example? Is this something that can work for basically every type of asset class?

Yes, absolutely. So it’s a lot on the acquisition side. So when I look at what people are doing or what the investment focus is, or strategy is, whether it’s wholesaling, rehabbing, short-term rentals. I look at that more of what you’re going to do with the property afterwards. So in order to acquire the properties, you still need a system and you need a proper process in order to go through to acquire those properties. What you do with it on the back end, that can be anything that you want, but you can still manage everything within the system.

Okay, that makes total sense. I think I really am so curious about getting into this world because I do typically get stuff off the MLS, and so I’m often paying market prices. I mean, obviously of course it’s possible to get below market prices too, but I’ve been really giving a lot of thought to basically my acquisition strategy, and if there is a way to get in the door for less than market, especially right now. So that’s really cool. Effectively, it’s a kind of pick your poison afterwards. You find the house, you acquire it, and then however you actually want to use it, that just depends on your individual investment strategy.

And I’m really excited to go through the demo with you guys because that’s going to help clarify because there’s so many points and so many details that go along this process, that sometimes it seems like it’s over complicating things, or it’s really confusing. But the way that we designed the platform, it’s extremely intuitive, and the step-by-step process is actually much easier than you think. The system does a lot of the complicated pieces in the back end, so the user doesn’t even have to think about it, like those automations that I mentioned before.

Very cool. Well, if you’re cool with it, I’d love to actually jump in and check it out.


All right. So we’ve learned a bit about how Justin created Invelo and the whole process of that. I’m super excited to have a demo of the entire thing and how it works. Again, if you don’t know me, I’m Anson Young. I wrote Finding and Funding Great Deals out through BiggerPockets, I’m a rehabber, a wholesaler, a BRRRR investor. And technology, CRM, list building, skip tracing, marketing. All of these things are so integral to my business and how I can be successful and how I’ve been successful, that I’m very excited to learn how all these kind of snap in together and hopefully make my life easier. I think we can start there, and get this demo rolling.

Awesome. Yeah, I’m excited to show you what we have going on with Invelo. So we’re first going to start off with the dashboard. You jump into Invelo, and this is kind of your home screen of where you land. So you get some basic KPIs about what’s happening in your database through the different aspects of prospects, leads, how many records are in your database. You get this nice product navigation over to the right for a little help desk, academy and education. And then you can also see any tasks or marketing campaigns that you have currently going on. So again, just a step back, this platform is a true end-to-end solution.
So you can build your lists, you can manage prospects, leads and deals, you can market out of this platform. So it really can do everything. So you can house all the information in this one platform, so you’re not going back and forth between multiple software platforms or databases. So this is the primary spot. And then I’m really just going to take us through the natural progression of a sales journey, from building lists to managing prospects, leads and deals, and also show you some marketing and some additional bells and whistles that we have with Invelo.

Nice. I like that you land just right on the screen, and you can see all kinds of things. I like that.

And the big thing to call out here that you don’t really see if you just land in here, is the sold records and the vacant records. So Invelo will automatically update this information every single day, because our prospects database is updated daily. So any properties that sell or go vacant in your prospects database, we will actually identify those. And not only that, if you’re marketing to those prospects and those houses sell, we’ll actually push them off of your marketing campaign so you don’t continue to market to them. And they’ll actually land on a sub database called Removed Records, which I’ll show you in a little bit. So let’s start off over on the left hand side. If we click on List Builder, now you can see the screen of how to pull list. So we make this very easy for people either starting out with real estate investing, and we also have the flexibility to get really advanced functionality and criteria.
So just starting out on the easy side, you can see down here we have these Invelo presets. These are all presets that we have identified to be the very best list that you can pull from this system. And there might be some that you recognize and some called related party, and some other ones that you might not recognize. But we actually have found through our own research that these lists perform exceptionally well. So really to get started, all you have to do is click the button, and you can see on the left hand side we have all of this criteria.
Now you can go into this criteria and you can just remove anything that doesn’t meet what you’re looking for. And then the only other thing that you really have to do is you can add a geography. Now you can do this based on city, state, and county or ZIP code. I’m just going to click on a city here. And then if you do want to get a little bit more advanced, we can go into the properties, MLS and owner info to really scale down and look at other filters like vacancy or owner type. Under property, you can see we have tons of different filters that you can really utilize.

So if you’re just starting out and you just need one of these seven or six quick starts, you can just click on one of those, then put in your geography, your ZIP code or whatever, and it’ll just basically kind of get you a good place to start.

Yeah, exactly. Because the two biggest things that new investors and even some experienced investors have, is they don’t know how to pull a list properly, and they struggle with creating a really good marketing strategy. So in this system, we really set everyone up for success by creating these presets. So you really don’t have to think about what to pull. And we just automatically have them here, so it’s basically a one click away.

Yeah, it’s great.

Once I click to apply filters, we have a list of all the properties that meet the criteria, and we also have this map. And within the map you can see the different colors. And this shows you the saturation of properties that meet your criteria in the specific area. So if I actually click on this, we can zoom in, and then we can get down to where we see the individual properties and see some basic information about the property. From there, we can actually import the list.
And the great thing with Invelo is that, you can see up here, you already have 47 out of 50 records. So when you have Invelo, you can import records into your database and you get a quota every month. But if we find that you already have the records in your database, we’re not going to apply those against your quota. We’re already going to identify you have 47 out of the 50 that meet this criteria. So we’re only going to import three of them, and we’re going to apply the lists and tags, whatever we select here, to all 50 records, whether they’re already existing in your database or you’re importing them new.

So if you’re doing list and tags, is that just a way to organize this, or does it serve some other function?

Yes, the list will always identify. When you’re selecting a list, you’re telling the system where these records are on which list. So because we pulled an absentee list, we’re actually going to go in and as you saw, I just clicked absentee from the dropdown menu to acknowledge that these records are part of an absentee list. And then tags, there’s various tagging strategies, which probably would take another video to shoot that. But we’re basically just identifying where these records came from, they came from the Invelo database.
And also if it’s in a specific area, what my investment opportunity or objective is. So I can select both of those. The only last thing that I want to show is the auto ad. So this is a really unique feature to Invelo, where you only have to pull a list one time, and Invelo will automatically add new properties that meet this criteria to your database, anytime a new property meets this criteria. So again, because our database updates daily, your absentee list that you’re pulling here will always be up-to-date. And you don’t have to do anything else but enable, name it as a preset, save it and import the records. And in the future, your database will always be up-to-date.

So you’re not just scrubbing these lists, now you’re automatically adding new prospects to your database. So if a new absentee owner pops up, you don’t have to go search for it, and then add it to your marketing list or something.

That’s correct.

This just automatically adds it in.

Yes, yes.

What in the world?

As you know, pulling lists and refreshing lists, and making sure that you’re not duplicating those records that are already in your database. A lot of people struggle with that. And this solves that issue.

Yeah, that is so much work saved. And then automatically just adding it means that you can just market. You market to that same audience so to speak. And you know that it’s the most up-to-date, your solds are knocked off of there, and then you have new ones added to it. Yeah, that’s pretty crazy.

And when we get into marketing, you’ll see how this whole system is automated from when it gets into prospects to when you actually market to them, everything is actually automated. So I’m going to just cancel out of here and just jump into our prospects database. So over here on the left hand side, I’m going to click on Prospects. And you’ll notice that the left side menu is in the order in which your sales journey generally moves, right? You first have to-

Yeah, you build your lists.

Yep. Build your lists.

You push them into your CRM or some sort of database, and then you’re off to the races, right?

Exactly. And we break it down by prospects, leads, and deals. You’ll notice that there’s different database for each of the three. And that’s critical for us because we understand that there is different features and functionality that you’ll need throughout the journey. And I’ll show you a couple of those when we jump into prospects here. So here is our prospects database. You’ll notice on the left hand side, we have active and we have removed. And again, this is what I was talking about. If any record is identified that it’s sold, then they’re going to be pushed to the removed database. And by them being in the removed database, you will not be able to market to them.
You can only push them manually back into active in order to get them back on your marketing. So let’s jump into one of these records. You’ll see anytime that you import, whether it’s through List Builder or through your own CSV, your own list, whether or not you just use your property address to import. And again, importing can just be done by a single click. Selecting one of your lists, and quickly importing the list. You can go through this process, you just add the lists and tags, and you can import.

Because a lot of times, you might have a driving for dollars list or something that you want to add into your marketing. And this is just telling Invelo like, hey, this is my list. You’re tagging it differently from maybe the Invelo list. And then now you can differentiate, you can sort it, you can organize it.

Exactly. Exactly. And the cool thing is Invelo uses its properties database. So if you only import the property address, we’re actually going to fill in all the details relating to that property. So here’s an example of what you can see. Just by using a property address when you import, we’re going to tell you all of the different building details, property characteristics, land info, estimated value, tax info, last sale date.
And if it is on the MLS, we’ll actually show you listing price, listing date. In addition to that, we’ll also show you the contact that’s associated with this property. And with Invelo, you can even skip trace. So we can skip trace not only this person here, but we can actually skip trace additional people who may own this property. So you can see I just skip traced, and it just added a number of records. And at the top is going to be the best match that we found.

So it’s got a star next to it, so you know-



Yes. So as you start to market to this person, and let’s say that you send a direct mail piece to this address here, but it kicks back. So we’ll even show you that it is deliverable, but let’s say that it gets kicked back. You can click on Don’t Mail, and you can change the primary mailing address to the next one. So there’s always opportunities to continue to market, and use different details within the record. Again, the phone numbers, we’ll provide you with the phone numbers if they’re on the DNC or do not call list, we’ll give you email addresses if we have them on the person. And we’ll also identify if they are a litigator. So a potential person that can potentially sue you for soliciting to them, which is really, really important.

That’s very important. So it automatically tells you basically, hey, this is DNC, do not call list. This is a litigator list. It also tells you if it’s deliverable or undeliverable based on the USPS records or however you guys do it, right?

That’s correct. Yep.


So again, the litigator list is really identifying which people are either attorneys or have litigated against other people who have solicited to them in the past. So this tells you do not market to them because they could potentially sue you if you cold call or send them a text message. So that’s really important information, because it can save you thousands or tens of thousands of dollars so you don’t market to those people.

Makes sense.

And then if we have any marketing related to this person, the marketing campaign would show up here in this record as well.

Very nice.

Now, just going back again, the prospects database, the important thing with prospects that many investors don’t do that really need to understand is being able to segment your prospects. So you can see we have this Quality column here, and what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to really show people that they should narrow their records down into their highest quality prospects bucket, so that they can actually send out more marketing or be very focused on the marketing to those specific people. So for instance, I have 17,000 records in my database. I can come in here, and I can just manipulate with some filters, and pluck out the top quality records based on either by lists or by list count.
So right here, I’m just creating lists saying, I want to see all the records that are on my tax lien list, or driving for dollars list, because I know that those are two of my best lists. And anyone that is on three… Actually, let me slide this up, three or more lists. So you can see there’s 2,300 people out of 17,000 people that are on my two best lists, and that are on three or more lists. And again, that’s critical that they’re on multiple lists, because they potentially have a higher need to sell because they’re on an equity absentee and tax lien list.

Wow. So it’s automatically list stacking for you.


Just by moving the slider over, telling you, hey, if I want two lists, three lists, four lists, these people who’ll show up on multiple lists, it’s just automatically stacking them and telling you these are the highest priority, right?

That’s correct. Yep, that’s right.


So we can even save this highest quality. I could share it with my team if I’m on a team plan, and I’ll show you what we can do with this list in a minute when we get to marketing. So those are some of the features and functionality. There’s a lot more features that go into prospects and automations, but I’m going to continue to move on so we can show you a little bit more of the platform. Moving on to leads. So once you have a prospect that you’re marketing to, raise their hand and say, hey, I’m interested in selling. Now, you convert them to a lead. And the leads pipeline you can see is set up a little bit differently, although you can always get back to your list view. But the card-

This is like a CardView, right?

Yes, exactly. CardView, Kanban style view. So you can actually move your records along the natural pipeline or path. We always have the ability to change the column headers, move them around, add new ones.

Oh, so it’s not set, you could customize it.

Absolutely, yes. You can customize it.

Yeah, that’s huge. Wow.

So let me take you into one of these records, but before actually I do, you can see the organization of all these records. On the top right hand side, I could actually change this so I can say, show me all the people that have the highest motivation to the lowest motivation. So these are the ones that I really want to focus on. Or I can say, let me see all of the people that have the oldest activity, I haven’t touched them in the longest amount of time. So now your acquisitions team or even yourself, can really start from top down and make sure that you followup with the records that you haven’t communicated with in the longest time.

Yeah, that makes sense. You got to prioritize that.

Absolutely. So if we jump into one of these records, you’ll now see that the lead tab is available, and the lead tab allows you to provide a little bit more information in the logical progression of communicating with the person, the seller. So we can identify motivation, last time you contacted, occupancy, reasons for selling. So really everything that you’re naturally going to ask them from your first conversation about just getting a sense of how motivated they are, and what the potential repairs are, condition of the property and their situation. You can even identify or put in a projected analysis, so you can enter in all the information about what you can sell the property for, your construction costs, and come back to a projected profit. And you’ll see why that is going to be a nice feature for when you actually convert them to a deal.

So it’s like a little calculator based on what you put in there.

Yes. Yep.

Awesome. Yeah, that’s great.

So as you move these records through and you can convert them to a deal, you can actually even call out who is the owner for the deal. So you can actually have an owner for a lead, you have a lead owner, and you can have someone for a deal. Basically, your acquisitions and your dispositions team. So if you’re in a team plan, you can assign people different properties that they’re focused on.

Yeah, that’s great. Yeah, take ownership of it, and it’s up to them to followup or sell that deal.

Yes. So I’m going to convert this. I’ll say that I am the owner, and now I’m logged into my deals. And again, you’ll see that the deals section has kind of its own information. And again, we’re trying to identify and provide you with all the information that you need for purchase when you purchase the property, any terms, your closing agent who you’re using, your holding costs. And eventually when you sell, you can enter in the actual costs. And then we provide an analysis down below. Now, before when we were in the leads, we showed you our projected profit. So even here, we show you a projected profit. So we can show you an actual budgeted versus actual profit.

So you’re moving from traditional CRM to now you’re analyzing KPIs, and being able to really break down numbers inside of your business, inside of just the one platform.

Yes, that’s right. That’s right.


So just going back out again, you can see the deals board looks very similar to the leads board, but now you’re managing what happens after you purchase the property or after you get it under contract. Because as we know as investors, we don’t make our money once we purchase the property, we have to do something to it to actually make the money. Whether that’s selling it, renting it, building, and then selling. So you can manage your deals through this pipeline as well. So again, just going back to the dashboard over on the left hand side, you can see that there’s additional tabs here that are grayed out, which we will be exploring and adding more KPIs. Because as the system we add… And we’re adding features all the time, but we will be able to go really deep into the analysis of every step of your journey to show you and highlight areas of improvement or different KPIs that you really need to keep an eye on.

And if you’re following along, you don’t know key performance indicators, KPIs, basically all the numbers that are attached to your business. If you want to know cost per deal, basically there’s a hundred ways to break that down. But if you’re looking at your business as an overview, KPIs or key performance indicators are probably the best way to know what you’re doing and the best practices to get there. So yeah, just wanted to clear that up.

Thank you. So the last piece that I want to go into, and again, there’s other parts of the system that we could go into, but these are kind of the top ones. This last piece here is marketing. So if we look at marketing, and I’m just going to show you the active. We have two ways to market. We can market to prospects and leads. So prospects, think of it as you’re blasting your marketing out to all of your prospects, or at least the highest quality prospects and leads are more like a followup.

So that was the list that you pulled through Invelo, and then the list that you uploaded for driving for dollars or wherever you’re getting your lists, those are your prospects that you’re kind of blasting out a bunch of marketing to. And then your leads are the ones that they’ve already raised their hand and said, I might potentially be interested in selling. And then you’re just following up with them or you’re touching them with a different piece or something, right?

That’s right. That’s right. Yes. Yes. So when I click on ad campaign here, again, you’ll see that we have a number of presets for both prospects as well as leads. And again, we’ve created these based on a lot of testing and functionality through my investment business and many other investors around the country. So we know that these ones, these marketing campaigns are the best of the best. We know they work, we understand the strategy behind them. So for a lot of investors that are coming into the platform that might not have done marketing before, they can really just click one of these, and move forward. And we actually take them through the steps of how to create this campaign.

So it’s all in one.

Exactly. And again, if I just go back out. You have the ability to send direct mail, ringless voicemail, email, and you can also create custom sequences within a marketing campaign. So you can actually take the list that’s in your marketing campaign of those records, and upload them to a cold calling platform or a ringless voice, or text messaging platform. So there’s many various ways that you can do that. But again, all of the data, all of the information is stored within Invelo, so we can provide you with those KPIs.

Which is huge. Because even if you’re not using something that you don’t provide in here, like texting. You could still track those KPIs inside of here, which is huge. It used to be a huge pain in the butt to try to do this with any other CRM that I’ve used anyways.

Right. And with our Zapier connection that we’re adding into the system, you’ll be able to actually send those Zaps to the third-party platform, so it’s a lot more seamless and automated.

So from the very top, you’re automatically adding things to your marketing list and you’re automatically scrubbing them, which is awesome, which then go into your prospects. But now you’re continuously updating your marketing if it meets those same criteria, and then starting them the right way inside of the sequence. So if something becomes vacant two months into the sequence, it’ll automatically just put them to the top, and send them the first thing instead of the third thing.

That’s correct.

Is that-


Does that make sense?


Wow. So yeah, that makes sense. That’s like all the way down, making it super easy for you because this used to be crazy to try to do multi-touch campaign. And then you had a bunch of new leads that come in or a bunch of new prospects that you’re pulling in, and then you’re trying to start them from the top while you’re trying to keep these at the third one. Oh man.

And this is a huge issue for a lot of people that are doing driving for dollars and getting a couple of 100 a week, or they have tax liens that they pull every month, and they’re like, all right, well, I have a new list and I want to put it through this campaign, but how do I? Do I create another campaign with just a couple of 100? Or do I put them into the existing campaign and inject them into wherever they are in that campaign in the sequence? So it was always a struggle for investors on how to figure that out and make sure that they were moving it along the same flow as any other record that would be in this campaign.

Yeah, that’s a huge headache. I mean, especially on that driving for dollars example, now all you have to have is just the address. You push it into Invelo, it automatically fills in the mailing address info and any of the other information that you would go manually look up. But now all the way down to marketing, the new ones that you’re adding are in the correct sequence, and they’re automatically just being pushed into your marketing funnel.

Again, there’s a lot more features and functionality behind marketing. It gets pretty advanced, but we can also keep it very simplistic so the user can go through nice and easy, select which preset they want, follow the prompts, and start the campaign very quickly.

Just go do one touch postcard or set up a three mailing sequence to see how their driving for dollars list is performing.

Right. And as you can see, if I click this drop down here, we can also get access to all of the active leads’ followup campaigns. So you can also-

Oh, that’s right. Because the leads had a different sequence or a different set of marketing just automatically in there.



You can even set it up so you can create a status that says followup needed. And any time a record goes into that status, it automatically triggers the followup campaign.

Oh wow. Okay. So you don’t even have to think about it, you just move the card over, and then they’re just added to the marketing. And you don’t have to really think about it as long as you’ve set it up the way that you like it.


Oh wow. Okay.

So again, there’s a lot of functionality that goes behind the marketing, but we try to make it and automate it so it’s very easy. So the things that most investors have to really think about and the inconvenience or inefficiencies of thinking about, did I remove the solds? Which campaign do I add these people to? We really try to take that away from the investors, because we know you’re busy doing other stuff, you shouldn’t have to be thinking about this. We really automate the whole process for you.

Yeah, my brain’s already turning because I can see a bunch of time is saved through this system. And then also where you can scale a little bit quicker and not have to maybe even hire somebody to watch your marketing like a hawk. Because if you set this up, you can get pretty far with just automation, and having it scrub your list, and then having it automatically send out mail based on followup or based on added prospects, you can actually save a bunch of time and money by just having this already set up in here.

Yes. Yeah, there’s countless times where I hear investors talking about hiring virtual assistants just to scrub the sold properties off of their database, and this just does it automatically for you. That’s just one little area-

Yeah, I’ve been there.

… of where the automation can take over, and really help out and save a lot of time.

Yeah, I think anybody who’s done any kind of amount of marketing has been there, where they’re trying to hire this out or trying to beat up an Excel spreadsheet to do it for you. But none of us know how to program those things.

The only one last area that I just want to show you is our education portal, because this is something that we are truly passionate about and really try to provide additional value to our users. Because the goal for us is to provide best practices, and help them through the platform through education. So we’re not just giving everybody a software and say, hey, good luck. We really want to provide them with the education and understanding of how the logical step should be to go through and be as successful as they possibly can. So within the academy, we have Invelo training, that really goes through every aspect of starting out, to mindset, to how to find properties, how to talk to sellers, how to put deals together. So we go through all of these, we have all these videos. In addition to that, we have industry experts teaching all master classes.
We have new master classes coming in the pipeline every single month, from people within the real estate investment industry and even outside. So we know that entrepreneurship, it’s more than just focused on real estate investing, it takes over your whole life. So we really focus on, and we have fitness experts, health experts, psychologists coming in, people talking about how to manage being a great parent and a spouse while trying to start a business or run a business. So we understand that people have all those challenges and we really try to get advocate and show people that these are how people get through it. These are how really successful people that have built amazing businesses have done it. And you’re not the only one. Other people have these challenges, and you are within the community that people really value this.

Yeah, I see just a ton of names, big names here. I think that, that’s what a lot of companies are missing is this holistic approach to not only teaching the platform, which is a no-brainer, like this is how you use Invelo. But now you’re talking about how to talk to sellers, and then how to keep talent. How women in investing, the different roadblocks. It is this whole thing where, yeah, you just going through these master classes alone is totally worth it. That’s crazy.

You nailed it. Holistically, our approach is a holistic approach. We’re not just really honing in on just real estate investing. There’s so many other aspects to entrepreneurship, so we really want to provide that value. And that’s the approach that we take is, how do we get all the users successful? And that’s really where we hone in on for our Invelo training is, this is how to become a successful investor, and here’s how Invelo can help you get there faster. So we always try to provide that value first and foremost, and then how the platform can help you get there.

That’s huge. Not a lot of companies think about that whole investor, because it’s not just sending out mail, it’s all those other things, like you’re also a parent and you need to go work out or do whatever you need to do. And then if the investor is successful, of course you as a company’s going to be successful because you’ve helped them get there, and they’re going to remember that of course.

So that’s everything. That’s the demo that I wanted to take you through. Hopefully you enjoyed that, and you got a lot from it.

Yeah, absolutely. This is crazy. So just from A to Z, just the little bit that you showed me, and I’ll be going back through the Invelo training too, to learn how to do some of these other things. But I’m super excited because this solves a lot of problems that I didn’t even know I had, and now I know that they could be solved. All right, Justin, thanks for that demo. That was hugely helpful. Where can people go to find out more about you and contact you?

The best area is to go to our website, And it’s I-N-V-E-L-O That is the best place that they can go to learn more about Invelo.


How about you Anson? How can people get a hold of you?

You can find me on BiggerPockets, Anson Young there, or on Instagram @younganson, or on YouTube or wherever else you can find my name. So I’m out there somewhere.


All right, so back to you guys over there, and we’ll wrap up here.

Okay. Well, that’s a really cool tool, man. I feel like I’m ready to go out and get really just discounted off market deals. That’s legitimately my new mission for 2022. So this comes at a pretty good time.

I’ll tell you what, BiggerPockets is getting… we’re getting better and better at finding the tools that somebody needs to achieve what they want. I remember a couple of years ago, just only a couple of years ago, we were having these conversations with people to say, how are you doing this? And they were just grinding their way. They were calling the city and requesting a list of people that were in violation of not paying their taxes, or had unpaid utility bills or something, and they were physically calling those people. And then we had a robo dialer for the first time ever, they could automatically dial, and it would save you time. And that was amazing technology. And now, we’re putting together a list that you have the highest likelihood of hitting a motivated seller, and the software’s doing all of it for you. It’s almost unfair how easy this is becoming compared to how people had to do this five or 10 years ago.

That’s right. Yeah, technology makes things a lot easier. And a really cool thing, probably the coolest thing about Invelo is that it is now included in the all new BiggerPockets Pro membership. So if you sign up for BiggerPockets Pro, they just supercharge it with all these insane benefits. And you’ll get free access plus $50 in marketing credits to in Invelo, which is awesome.

When it comes to real estate, I live my life one quarter mile at a time, and BiggerPockets is my 10-second car. That’s exactly right. People thought if you’re not being teased by what everything Invelo can do, you can get access to this if you become a BiggerPockets Pro member, as well as several other cool things. They have a rehab estimator tool that’s simply fantastic. That’s one of the number one questions that we get asked is, how do I calculate the cost of rehab? There’s now a calculator that can do that for you. So you can go find the deal, you can put the deal under contract, you can close on the deal, you can estimate it, you can get all the numbers that you need for what the rehab’s going to cost, what the rent’s going to be, all within the BiggerPockets ecosystem.

But wait, David. But wait, there is more. I know you were like, are we done? I’m like, no, there is more my friend. You also get Rent Ready’s property management software with the all new BiggerPockets Pro, which is awesome too. So you’re getting a ton of value. And if you use promo code New Pro, you’ll actually get 20% off your first year of the Pro annual membership, which again, supercharged here and it’s now your one stop shop to get to start scale and manage your whole real estate portfolio, which is, that’s a dream come true for all of us just getting our start here, man.

It’s a dream come true if you want a better life. That’s absolutely true. If you want the same life you have. If you want a boring life, if you want to be grinding away at a job you probably don’t love until you’re too old, and bent over, and aged to enjoy life, well, hey, keep doing what you’re doing. But if you want a better life and if you want to have a haircut like Rob’s, this is how I’d recommend you get there.

That’s right. So again, so if you use promo code New Pro, N-E-W P-R-O, you’ll get 20% off your first year of a Pro annual membership. Other than that, Dave, where can people find out more about you online?

Well, they can use that promo code at, and you can get all the information there. And then like Rob said, use the code New Pro. And then once you do that, go online and tell me that you signed up for a Pro. You can find me on social media @davidgreene24, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, everywhere. And you can find me on YouTube at David Greene Real Estate. This is David Greene for Rob Headshot Abasolo, signing out.



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Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.

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