Priyanka Chopra attended the inauguration of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai on April 1 alongside her husband, Nick Jonas, in a red carpet look she described as “an amalgamation of the east and the west! Like me!”
Chopra’s custom upcycled vintage look from Indian designer Amit Aggarwal featured a strapless sequin purple bustier attached to a colorful wrap skirt made from a vintage saree. Chopra styled the ensemble with bold but simple accessories, including a thick choker, diamond earrings, and black and purple embellished peep-toe heels.
She wore her long, dark hair (made even longer with waist-length extensions) down in soft, romantic curls. For makeup, she went for a smoky, glittery eyeshadow look, pink cheeks, and matte mauve lips.
Over on Instagram, Chopra shared her enthusiasm for the look and everyone involved in making it. “Thank you @stylebyami as always for your amazing collaboration,” she wrote in the caption, referring to stylist Ami Patel. “I knew I wanted to wear an upcycled vintage look with a modern twist! So my outfit was an amalgamation of the east and the west! Like me!”
Chopra also thanked designer Aggarwal in the same (very long) caption. “Thank you @amitaggarwalofficial for coming through and creating this handcrafted beauty with a story that is so apt for an evening celebrating Indian art and Fashion,” she wrote. “This beautiful outfit was created using a 65 year old vintage Banarasi patola (Brocade) saree with silver threads and a gold electroplating on khadi silk. It is paired with a sequins sheet holographic bustier to reflect the nine colours of ikat weave that the brocade is set in.”