Google is expected to launch the Pixel 8 series in October, and the phones will be powered by a Tensor G3 chipset based on the yet-to-be-released Exynos 2400. And while all eyes are on the 2023 flagships, a report on X – formerly Twitter – shed some light on the chipset that will power the 2024 Google Pixel 9 phones.
The Tensor G4 will be quite similar to the G3 if all the rumors are correct – the CPU will use one Cortex-X4 unit, A720 and A520 cores, while the GPU will be Immortalis-G715. The SoC will be manufactured by Samsung Foundry, as the deal with TSMC fell apart due to “low volume”.
The Tensor G4 is reportedly contracted to be built on the 4LPP+ process, which is a step further from the 4LPP node for the Tensor G3. What difference the Plus will bring is yet to be revealed, as Samsung hasn’t officially released details on its new 4nm process that is different than the current 4 nm EUV technology.
Details are pretty scarce, and the whole story is wrapped in a cloud of speculation, provided that the foundry and the systems-on-chip are unannounced. Nevertheless, the Google commitment could be read as a testament that Samsung Foundry finally found a way to manufacture chipsets, including Exynos platforms, that are not overheating, becoming more attractive to phone companies and customers.