For the majority of my life, I have firmly been a concealer only type of person. I wear foundation here and there for special occasions, but most of the time, I’m putting dots of concealer on my face. No, it’s not because I have perfect skin—I have a face full of freckles, and I like to let them shine as much as possible. For that reason, I need concealers to do the most: look like skin, be crease-free, blend seamlessly, have a radiant finish, and match my skin tone to a T.
Needless to say, most concealers don’t fit the bill. In fact, I rarely take my chances on new concealer—I’ve been a die-hard fan of Glossier’s Stretch Concealer for years. When I learned about Lancôme’s new Care & Glow Serum Concealer, however, I decided to take a chance and try it out, particularly after talking to Lancôme’s national makeup artist, Sheika Daleyas.