a pattern for composing React UIs


React has revolutionized the way we think about UI components and state
management in UI. But with every new feature request or enhancement, a
seemingly simple component can quickly evolve into a complex amalgamation
of intertwined state and UI logic.

Imagine building a simple dropdown list. Initially, it appears
straightforward – you manage the open/close state and design its
appearance. But, as your application grows and evolves, so do the
requirements for this dropdown:

  • Accessibility Support: Ensuring your dropdown is usable for
    everyone, including those using screen readers or other assistive
    technologies, adds another layer of complexity. You need to manage focus
    states, aria attributes, and ensure your dropdown is semantically
  • Keyboard Navigation: Users shouldn’t be limited to mouse
    interactions. They might want to navigate options using arrow keys, select
    using Enter, or close the dropdown using Escape. This requires
    additional event listeners and state management.
  • Async Data Considerations: As your application scales, maybe the
    dropdown options aren’t hardcoded anymore. They might be fetched from an
    API. This introduces the need to manage loading, error, and empty states
    within the dropdown.
  • UI Variations and Theming: Different parts of your application
    might require different styles or themes for the dropdown. Managing these
    variations within the component can lead to an explosion of props and
  • Extending Features: Over time, you might need additional
    features like multi-select, filtering options, or integration with other
    form controls. Adding these to an already complex component can be

Each of these considerations adds layers of complexity to our dropdown
component. Mixing state, logic, and UI presentation makes it less
maintainable and limits its reusability. The more intertwined they become,
the harder it gets to make changes without unintentional side effects.

Introducing the Headless Component Pattern

Facing these challenges head-on, the Headless Component pattern offers
a way out. It emphasizes the separation of the calculation from the UI
representation, giving developers the power to build versatile,
maintainable, and reusable components.

A Headless Component is a design pattern in React where a component –
normally inplemented as React hooks – is responsible solely for logic and
state management without prescribing any specific UI (User Interface). It
provides the “brains” of the operation but leaves the “looks” to the
developer implementing it. In essence, it offers functionality without
forcing a particular visual representation.

When visualized, the Headless Component appears as a slender layer
interfacing with JSX views on one side, and communicating with underlying
data models on the other when required. This pattern is particularly
beneficial for individuals seeking solely the behavior or state management
aspect of the UI, as it conveniently segregates these from the visual

Figure 1: The Headless Component pattern

For instance, consider a headless dropdown component. It would handle
state management for open/close states, item selection, keyboard
navigation, etc. When it’s time to render, instead of rendering its own
hardcoded dropdown UI, it provides this state and logic to a child
function or component, letting the developer decide how it should visually

In this article, we’ll delve into a practical example by constructing a
complex component—a dropdown list from the ground up. As we add more
features to the component, we’ll observe the challenges that arise.
Through this, we’ll demonstrate how the Headless Component pattern can
address these challenges, compartmentalize distinct concerns, and aid us
in crafting more versatile components.

Implementing a Dropdown List

A dropdown list is a common component used in many places. Although
there’s a native select component for basic use cases, a more advanced
version offering more control over each option provides a better user

Creating one from scratch, a complete implementation, requires more
effort than it appears at first glance. It’s essential to consider
keyboard navigation, accessibility (for instance, screen reader
compatibility), and usability on mobile devices, among others.

We’ll begin with a simple, desktop version that only supports mouse
clicks, and gradually build in more features to make it realistic. Note
that the goal here is to reveal a few software design patterns rather
than teach how to build a dropdown list for production use – actually, I
don’t recommend doing this from scratch and would instead suggest using
more mature libraries.

Basically, we need an element (let’s call it a trigger) for the user
to click, and a state to control the show and hide actions of a list
panel. Initially, we hide the panel, and when the trigger is clicked, we
show the list panel.

import { useState } from "react";

interface Item {
  icon: string;
  text: string;
  description: string;

type DropdownProps = {
  items: Item[];

const Dropdown = ({ items }: DropdownProps) => {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
  const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState<Item | null>(null);

  return (
    <div className="dropdown">
      <div className="trigger" tabIndex={0} onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>
        <span className="selection">
          {selectedItem ? selectedItem.text : "Select an item..."}
      {isOpen && (
        <div className="dropdown-menu">
          {items.map((item, index) => (
              onClick={() => setSelectedItem(item)}
              <img src={item.icon} alt={item.text} />
              <div className="details">

In the code above, we’ve set up the basic structure for our dropdown
component. Using the useState hook, we manage the isOpen and
selectedItem states to control the dropdown’s behavior. A simple click
on the trigger toggles the dropdown menu, while selecting an item
updates the selectedItem state.

Let’s break down the component into smaller, manageable pieces to see
it more clearly. This decomposition isn’t part of the Headless Component
pattern, but breaking a complex UI component into pieces is a valuable

We can start by extracting a Trigger component to handle user

const Trigger = ({
}: {
  label: string;
  onClick: () => void;
}) => {
  return (
    <div className="trigger" tabIndex={0} onClick={onClick}>
      <span className="selection">{label}</span>

The Trigger component is a basic clickable UI element, taking in a
label to display and an onClick handler. It remains agnostic to its
surrounding context. Similarly, we can extract a DropdownMenu
component to render the list of items:

const DropdownMenu = ({
}: {
  items: Item[];
  onItemClick: (item: Item) => void;
}) => {
  return (
    <div className="dropdown-menu">
      {items.map((item, index) => (
          onClick={() => onItemClick(item)}
          <img src={item.icon} alt={item.text} />
          <div className="details">

The DropdownMenu component displays a list of items, each with an
icon and a description. When an item is clicked, it triggers the
provided onItemClick function with the selected item as its

And then Within the Dropdown component, we incorporate Trigger
and DropdownMenu and supply them with the necessary state. This
approach ensures that the Trigger and DropdownMenu components remain
state-agnostic and purely react to passed props.

const Dropdown = ({ items }: DropdownProps) => {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
  const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState<Item | null>(null);

  return (
    <div className="dropdown">
        label={selectedItem ? selectedItem.text : "Select an item..."}
        onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
      {isOpen && <DropdownMenu items={items} onItemClick={setSelectedItem} />}

In this updated code structure, we’ve separated concerns by creating
specialized components for different parts of the dropdown, making the
code more organized and easier to manage.

Figure 3: List native implementation

As depicted in the image above, you can click the “Select an item…”
trigger to open the dropdown. Selecting a value from the list updates
the displayed value and subsequently closes the dropdown menu.

At this point, our refactored code is clear-cut, with each segment
being straightforward and adaptable. Modifying or introducing a
different Trigger component would be relatively straightforward.
However, as we introduce more features and manage additional states,
will our current components hold up?

Let’s find out with a a crucial enhancement for a serious dopdown
list: keyboard navigation.

Implementing Keyboard Navigation

Incorporating keyboard navigation within our dropdown list enhances
the user experience by providing an alternative to mouse interactions.
This is particularly important for accessibility and offers a seamless
navigation experience on the web page. Let’s explore how we can achieve
this using the onKeyDown event handler.

Initially, we’ll attach a handleKeyDown function to the onKeyDown
event in our Dropdown component. Here, we utilize a switch statement
to determine the specific key pressed and perform actions accordingly.
For instance, when the “Enter” or “Space” key is pressed, the dropdown
is toggled. Similarly, the “ArrowDown” and “ArrowUp” keys allow
navigation through the list items, cycling back to the start or end of
the list when necessary.

const Dropdown = ({ items }: DropdownProps) => {
  // ... previous state variables ...
  const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState<number>(-1);

  const handleKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
    switch (e.key) {
      // ... case blocks ...
      // ... handling Enter, Space, ArrowDown and ArrowUp ...

  return (
    <div className="dropdown" onKeyDown={handleKeyDown}>
      {/* ... rest of the JSX ... */}

Additionally, we have updated our DropdownMenu component to accept
a selectedIndex prop. This prop is used to apply a highlighted CSS
style and set the aria-selected attribute to the currently selected
item, enhancing the visual feedback and accessibility.

const DropdownMenu = ({
}: {
  items: Item[];
  selectedIndex: number;
  onItemClick: (item: Item) => void;
}) => {
  return (
    <div className="dropdown-menu" role="listbox">
      {/* ... rest of the JSX ... */}

Now, our `Dropdown` component is entangled with both state management code and rendering logic. It houses an extensive switch case along with all the state management constructs such as `selectedItem`, `selectedIndex`, `setSelectedItem`, and so forth.

Implementing Headless Component with a Custom Hook

To address this, we’ll introduce the concept of a Headless Component
via a custom hook named useDropdown. This hook efficiently wraps up
the state and keyboard event handling logic, returning an object filled
with essential states and functions. By de-structuring this in our
Dropdown component, we keep our code neat and sustainable.

The magic lies in the useDropdown hook, our protagonist—the
Headless Component. This versatile unit houses everything a dropdown
needs: whether it’s open, the selected item, the highlighted item,
reactions to the Enter key, and so forth. The beauty is its
adaptability; you can pair it with various visual presentations—your JSX

const useDropdown = (items: Item[]) => {
  // ... state variables ...

  // helper function can return some aria attribute for UI
  const getAriaAttributes = () => ({
    role: "combobox",
    "aria-expanded": isOpen,
    "aria-activedescendant": selectedItem ? selectedItem.text : undefined,

  const handleKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
    // ... switch statement ...
  const toggleDropdown = () => setIsOpen((isOpen) => !isOpen);

  return {

Now, our Dropdown component is simplified, shorter and easier to
understand. It leverages the useDropdown hook to manage its state and
handle keyboard interactions, demonstrating a clear separation of
concerns and making the code easier to understand and manage.

const Dropdown = ({ items }: DropdownProps) => {
  const {
  } = useDropdown(items);

  return (
    <div className="dropdown" onKeyDown={handleKeyDown}>
        label={selectedItem ? selectedItem.text : "Select an item..."}
      {isOpen && (

Through these modifications, we have successfully implemented
keyboard navigation in our dropdown list, making it more accessible and
user-friendly. This example also illustrates how hooks can be utilized
to manage complex state and logic in a structured and modular manner,
paving the way for further enhancements and feature additions to our UI

The beauty of this design lies in its distinct separation of logic
from presentation. By ‘logic’, we refer to the core functionalities of a
select component: the open/close state, the selected item, the
highlighted element, and the reactions to user inputs like pressing the
ArrowDown when choosing from the list. This division ensures that our
component retains its core behavior without being bound to a specific
visual representation, justifying the term “Headless Component”.

Testing the Headless Component

The logic of our component is centralized, enabling its reuse in
diverse scenarios. It’s crucial for this functionality to be reliable.
Thus, comprehensive testing becomes imperative. The good news is,
testing such behavior is straightforward.

We can evaluate state management by invoking a public method and
observing the corresponding state change. For instance, we can examine
the relationship between toggleDropdown and the isOpen state.

const items = [{ text: "Apple" }, { text: "Orange" }, { text: "Banana" }];

it("should handle dropdown open/close state", () => {
  const { result } = renderHook(() => useDropdown(items));


  act(() => {


  act(() => {


Keyboard navigation tests are slightly more intricate, primarily due
to the absence of a visual interface. This necessitates a more
integrated testing approach. One effective method is crafting a fake
test component to authenticate the behavior. Such tests serve a dual
purpose: they provide an instructional guide on utilizing the Headless
Component and, since they employ JSX, offer a genuine insight into user

Consider the following test, which replaces the prior state check
with an integration test:

it("trigger to toggle", async () => {
  render(<SimpleDropdown />);

  const trigger = screen.getByRole("button");


  await userEvent.click(trigger);

  const list = screen.getByRole("listbox");

  await userEvent.click(trigger);


The SimpleDropdown below is a fake component,
designed exclusively for testing. It also doubles as a
hands-on example for users aiming to implement the Headless

const SimpleDropdown = () => {
  const {
  } = useDropdown(items);

  return (
      <button onClick={toggleDropdown}>Select</button>
      <p data-testid="selected-item">{selectedItem?.text}</p>
      {isOpen && (
        <ul role="listbox">
          {items.map((item, index) => (
              aria-selected={index === selectedIndex}
              onClick={() => updateSelectedItem(item)}

The SimpleDropdown is a dummy component crafted for testing. It
uses the centralized logic of useDropdown to create a dropdown list.
When the “Select” button is clicked, the list appears or disappears.
This list contains a set of items (Apple, Orange, Banana), and users can
select any item by clicking on it. The tests above ensure that this
behavior works as intended.

With the SimpleDropdown component in place, we’re equipped to test
a more intricate yet realistic scenario.

it("select item using keyboard navigation", async () => {
  render(<SimpleDropdown />);

  const trigger = screen.getByRole("button");


  await userEvent.click(trigger);

  const dropdown = screen.getByRole("combobox");

  await userEvent.type(dropdown, "{arrowdown}");
  await userEvent.type(dropdown, "{enter}");

  await expect(screen.getByTestId("selected-item")).toHaveTextContent(

The test ensures that users can select items from the dropdown using
keyboard inputs. After rendering the SimpleDropdown and clicking on
its trigger button, the dropdown is focused. Subsequently, the test
simulates a keyboard arrow-down press to navigate to the first item and
an enter press to select it. The test then verifies if the selected item
displays the expected text.

While utilizing custom hooks for Headless Components is common, it’s not the sole approach.
In fact, before the advent of hooks, developers employed render props or Higher-Order
Components to implement Headless Components. Nowadays, even though Higher-Order
Components have lost some of their previous popularity, a declarative API employing
React context continues to be fairly favoured.

Declarative Headless Component with context API

I’ll showcase an alternate declarative method to attain a similar outcome,
employing the React context API in this instance. By establishing a hierarchy
within the component tree and making each component replaceable, we can offer
users a valuable interface that not only functions effectively (supporting
keyboard navigation, accessibility, etc.), but also provides the flexibility
to customize their own components.

import { HeadlessDropdown as Dropdown } from "./HeadlessDropdown";

const HeadlessDropdownUsage = ({ items }: { items: Item[] }) => {
  return (
    <Dropdown items={items}>
      <Dropdown.Trigger as={Trigger}>Select an option</Dropdown.Trigger>
      <Dropdown.List as={CustomList}>
        {items.map((item, index) => (

The HeadlessDropdownUsage component takes an items
prop of type array of Item and returns a Dropdown
component. Inside Dropdown, it defines a Dropdown.Trigger
to render a CustomTrigger component, a Dropdown.List
to render a CustomList component, and maps through the
items array to create a Dropdown.Option for each
item, rendering a CustomListItem component.

This structure enables a flexible, declarative way of customizing the
rendering and behavior of the dropdown menu while keeping a clear hierarchical
relationship between the components. Please observe that the components
Dropdown.Trigger, Dropdown.List, and
Dropdown.Option supply unstyled default HTML elements (button, ul,
and li respectively). They each accept an as prop, enabling users
to customize components with their own styles and behaviors.

For example, we can define these customised component and use it as above.

const CustomTrigger = ({ onClick, ...props }) => (
  <button className="trigger" onClick={onClick} {...props} />

const CustomList = ({ ...props }) => (
  <div {...props} className="dropdown-menu" />

const CustomListItem = ({ ...props }) => (
  <div {...props} className="item-container" />

Figure 4: Declarative User Interface with customised

The implementation isn’t complicated. We can simply define a context in
Dropdown (the root element) and put all the states need to be
managed inside, and use that context in the children nodes so they can access
the states (or change these states via APIs in the context).

type DropdownContextType<T> = {
  isOpen: boolean;
  toggleDropdown: () => void;
  selectedIndex: number;
  selectedItem: T | null;
  updateSelectedItem: (item: T) => void;
  getAriaAttributes: () => any;
  dropdownRef: RefObject<HTMLElement>;

function createDropdownContext<T>() {
  return createContext<DropdownContextType<T> | null>(null);

const DropdownContext = createDropdownContext();

export const useDropdownContext = () => {
  const context = useContext(DropdownContext);
  if (!context) {
    throw new Error("Components must be used within a <Dropdown/>");
  return context;

The code defines a generic DropdownContextType type, and a
createDropdownContext function to create a context with this type.
DropdownContext is created using this function.
useDropdownContext is a custom hook that accesses this context,
throwing an error if it’s used outside of a <Dropdown/>
component, ensuring proper usage within the desired component hierarchy.

Then we can define components that use the context. We can start with the
context provider:

const HeadlessDropdown = <T extends { text: string }>({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  items: T[];
}) => {
  const {
    //... all the states and state setters from the hook
  } = useDropdown(items);

  return (
        ref={dropdownRef as RefObject<HTMLDivElement>}

The HeadlessDropdown component takes two props:
children and items, and utilizes a custom hook
useDropdown to manage its state and behavior. It provides a context
via DropdownContext.Provider to share state and behavior with its
descendants. Within a div, it sets a ref and applies ARIA
attributes for accessibility, then renders its children to display
the nested components, enabling a structured and customizable dropdown

Note how we use useDropdown hook we defined in the previous
section, and then pass these values down to the children of
HeadlessDropdown. Following this, we can define the child

HeadlessDropdown.Trigger = function Trigger({
  as: Component = "button",
}) {
  const { toggleDropdown } = useDropdownContext();

  return <Component tabIndex={0} onClick={toggleDropdown} {...props} />;

HeadlessDropdown.List = function List({
  as: Component = "ul",
}) {
  const { isOpen } = useDropdownContext();

  return isOpen ? <Component {...props} role="listbox" tabIndex={0} /> : null;

HeadlessDropdown.Option = function Option({
  as: Component = "li",
}) {
  const { updateSelectedItem, selectedIndex } = useDropdownContext();

  return (
      aria-selected={index === selectedIndex}
      onClick={() => updateSelectedItem(item)}

We defined a type GenericComponentType to handle a component or an
HTML tag along with any additional properties. Three functions
HeadlessDropdown.Trigger, HeadlessDropdown.List, and
HeadlessDropdown.Option are defined to render respective parts of
a dropdown menu. Each function utilizes the as prop to allow custom
rendering of a component, and spreads additional properties onto the rendered
component. They all access shared state and behavior via

  • HeadlessDropdown.Trigger renders a button by default that
    toggles the dropdown menu.
  • HeadlessDropdown.List renders a list container if the
    dropdown is open.
  • HeadlessDropdown.Option renders individual list items and
    updates the selected item when clicked.

These functions collectively allow a customizable and accessible dropdown menu

It largely boils down to user preference on how they choose to utilize the
Headless Component in their codebase. Personally, I lean towards hooks as they
don’t involve any DOM (or virtual DOM) interactions; the sole bridge between
the shared state logic and UI is the ref object. On the other hand, with the
context-based implementation, a default implementation will be provided when the
user decides to not customize it.

In the upcoming example, I’ll demonstrate how effortlessly we can
transition to a different UI while retaining the core functionality with the useDropdown hook.

Adapting to a New UI Requirement

Consider a scenario where a new design requires using a button as a
trigger and displaying avatars alongside the text in the dropdown list.
With the logic already encapsulated in our useDropdown hook, adapting
to this new UI is straightforward.

In the new DropdownTailwind component below, we’ve made use of
Tailwind CSS (Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly
building custom user interfaces) to style our elements. The structure is
slightly modified – a button is used as the trigger, and each item in
the dropdown list now includes an image. Despite these UI changes, the
core functionality remains intact, thanks to our useDropdown hook.

const DropdownTailwind = ({ items }: DropdownProps) => {
  const {
  } = useDropdown<Item>(items);

  return (
      <button className="btn p-2 border ..." tabIndex={0}>
        {selectedItem ? selectedItem.text : "Select an item..."}

      {isOpen && (
          className="dropdown-menu ..."
          {(items).map((item, index) => (
            {/* ... rest of the JSX ... */}

In this rendition, the DropdownTailwind component interfaces with
the useDropdown hook to manage its state and interactions. This design
ensures that any UI modifications or enhancements do not necessitate a
reimplementation of the underlying logic, significantly easing the
adaptation to new design requirements.

We can also visualise the code a bit better with the React Devtools,
note in the hooks section, all the states are listed in it:

Every dropdown list, regardless of its external appearance, shares
consistent behavior internally, all of which is encapsulated within the
useDropdown hook (the Headless Component). However, what if we need to
manage more states, like, async states when we have to fetch data from

Diving Deeper with Additional States

As we advance with our dropdown component, let’s explore more
intricate states that come into play when dealing with remote data. The
scenario of fetching data from a remote source brings forth the
necessity to manage a few more states – specifically, we need to handle
loading, error, and data states.

Unveiling Remote Data Fetching

To load data from a remote server, we will need to define three new
states: loading, error, and data. Here’s how we can go about it
typically with a useEffect call:

  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
  const [data, setData] = useState<Item[] | null>(null);
  const [error, setError] = useState<Error | undefined>(undefined);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {

      try {
        const response = await fetch("/api/users");

        if (!response.ok) {
          const error = await response.json();
          throw new Error(`Error: ${error.error || response.status}`);

        const data = await response.json();
      } catch (e) {
        setError(e as Error);
      } finally {

  }, []);


The code initializes three state variables: loading, data, and
error. When the component mounts, it triggers an asynchronous function
to fetch data from the “/api/users” endpoint. It sets loading to
true before the fetch and to false afterwards. If the data is
fetched successfully, it’s stored in the data state. If there’s an
error, it’s captured and stored in the error state.

Refactoring for Elegance and Reusability

Incorporating fetching logic directly within our component can work,
but it’s not the most elegant or reusable approach. We can push the
principle behind Headless Component a bit further here, separate the
logic and state out of the UI. Let’s refactor this by extracting the
fetching logic into a separate function:

const fetchUsers = async () => {
  const response = await fetch("/api/users");

  if (!response.ok) {
    const error = await response.json();
    throw new Error('Something went wrong');

  return await response.json();

Now with the fetchUsers function in place, we can take a step
further by abstracting our fetching logic into a generic hook. This hook
will accept a fetch function and will manage the associated loading,
error, and data states:

const useService = <T>(fetch: () => Promise<T>) => {
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
  const [data, setData] = useState<T | null>(null);
  const [error, setError] = useState<Error | undefined>(undefined);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {

      try {
        const data = await fetch();
      } catch(e) {
        setError(e as Error);
      } finally {

  }, [fetch]);

  return {

Now, the useService hook emerges as a reusable solution for data
fetching across our application. It’s a neat abstraction that we can
employ to fetch various types of data, as demonstrated below:

// fetch products
const { loading, error, data } = useService(fetchProducts);
// or other type of resources
const { loading, error, data } = useService(fetchTickets);

With this refactoring, we’ve not only simplified our data fetching
logic but also made it reusable across different scenarios in our
application. This sets a solid foundation as we continue to enhance our
dropdown component and delve deeper into more advanced features and

Maintaining Simplicity in the Dropdown Component

Incorporating remote data fetching has not complicated our Dropdown
component, thanks to the abstracted logic in the useService and
useDropdown hooks. Our component code remains in its simplest form,
effectively managing the fetching states and rendering the content based
on the data received.

const Dropdown = () => {
  const { data, loading, error } = useService(fetchUsers);

  const {
  } = useDropdown<Item>(data || []);

  const renderContent = () => {
    if (loading) return <Loading />;
    if (error) return <Error />;
    if (data) {
      return (
    return null;

  return (
      ref={dropdownRef as RefObject<HTMLDivElement>}
        text={selectedItem ? selectedItem.text : "Select an item..."}
      {isOpen && renderContent()}

In this updated Dropdown component, we utilize the useService
hook to manage the data fetching states, and the useDropdown hook to
manage the dropdown-specific states and interactions. The
renderContent function elegantly handles the rendering logic based on
the fetching states, ensuring that the correct content is displayed
whether it’s loading, an error, or the data.

In the above example, observe how the Headless Component promotes
loose coupling among parts. This flexibility lets us interchange parts
for varied combinations. With shared Loading and Error components,
we can effortlessly craft a UserDropdown with default JSX and styling,
or a ProductDropdown using TailwindCSS that fetches data from a
different API endpoint.

Concluding the Headless Component Pattern

The Headless Component pattern unveils a robust avenue for cleanly
segregating our JSX code from the underlying logic. While composing
declarative UI with JSX comes naturally, the real challenge burgeons in
managing state. This is where Headless Components come into play by
shouldering all the state management intricacies, propelling us towards
a new horizon of abstraction.

In essence, a Headless Component is a function or object that
encapsulates logic, but doesn’t render anything itself. It leaves the
rendering part to the consumer, thus offering a high degree of
flexibility in how the UI is rendered. This pattern can be exceedingly
useful when we have complex logic that we want to reuse across different
visual representations.

function useDropdownLogic() {
  // ... all the dropdown logic
  return {
    // ... exposed logic

function MyDropdown() {
  const dropdownLogic = useDropdownLogic();
  return (
    // ... render the UI using the logic from dropdownLogic

Headless Components offer several benefits, including enhanced
reusability as they encapsulate logic that can be shared across multiple
components, adhering to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. They
emphasize a clear separation of concerns by distinctly differentiating
logic from rendering, a foundational practice for crafting maintainable
code. Additionally, they provide flexibility by allowing developers to
adopt varied UI implementations using the same core logic, which is
particularly advantageous when dealing with different design
requirements or working with various frameworks.

However, it’s essential to approach them with discernment. Like any
design pattern, they come with challenges. For those unfamiliar, there
might be an initial learning curve that could temporarily slow down
development. Moreover, if not applied judiciously, the abstraction
introduced by Headless Components might add a level of indirection,
potentially complicating the code’s readability.

I’d like to note that this pattern could be applicable in other
frontend libraries or frameworks. For instance, Vue refers to this
concept as a renderless component. It embodies the same principle,
prompting developers to segregate logic and state management into a
distinct component, thereby enabling users to construct the UI around

I’m uncertain about its implementation or compatibility in Angular or
other frameworks, but I recommend considering its potential benefits in
your specific context.

Revisiting the root patterns in GUI

If you’ve been in the industry long enough, or have experience with GUI applications in a
desktop setup, you’ll likely recognize some familiarity with the Headless Component
pattern—perhaps under a different name—be it View-Model in MVVM, Presentation
, or other terms depending on
your exposure. Martin Fowler provided a deep dive into these terms in a comprehensive
several years ago, where he clarified
many terminologies that have been widely used in the GUI world, such as MVC,
Model-View-Presenter, among others.

Presentation Model abstracts the state and behavior of the view into a model class
within the presentation layer. This model coordinates with the domain layer and provides
an interface to the view, minimizing decision-making in the view…

Martin Fowler

Nevertheless, I believe it’s necessary to expand a bit on this established pattern and
explore how it operates within the React or front-end world. As technology evolves, some of
the challenges faced by traditional GUI applications may no longer hold relevance,
rendering certain mandatory elements now optional.

For instance, one reason behind separating the UI and logic was the difficulty in testing
their combination, especially on the headless CI/CD environments.
Thus, we aimed to extract as much as possible into UI-less code to ease the testing process. However, this
isn’t a significant issue in React and many other web frameworks. For one, we have robust
in-memory testing mechanisms like jsdom to test the UI behaviour, DOM manipulations,
etc. These tests can be run in any environment, like on headless CI/CD servers, and we
can easily execute real browser tests using Cypress in an in-memory browser (headless
Chrome, for example)—a feat not feasible for Desktop applications when MVC/MVP was

Another major challenge MVC faced was data synchronization, necessitating Presenters, or
Presentation Models to orchestrate changes on the underlying data and notify other
rendering parts. A classic example of the is illustrated below:

Figure 7: One model has multiple presentations

In the illustration above, The three UI components (table, line chart and heatmap) are
entirely independent, but all of them are rendering the same model data. When you modified
data from table, the other two graphs will be refreshed. To be able to detect the change,
and apply the change to refresh correpondingly components, you will need setup event
listener manually.

However, with the advent of unidirectional data flow, React (along with many other modern
frameworks) has forged a different path. As developers, we no longer need to monitor
model changes. The fundamental idea is to treat every change as a whole new instance, and
re-render everything from scratch – It’s crucial to note that I’m significantly simplifying
the entire process here, overlooking the virtual DOM and the differentiation and
reconciliation processes – implying that within the codebase, the requirement to register
event listeners to accurately update other segments post model alterations has been

In summary, the Headless Component doesn’t aim to reinvent established UI patterns; instead,
it serves as an implementation within the component-based UI architecture. The principle of
segregating logic and state management from views retains its importance, especially in
delineating clear responsibilities and in scenarios where there’s an opportunity to substitute
one view for another.

Understanding the community

The concept of Headless Components isn’t novel, it has existed for
some time but hasn’t been widely acknowledged or incorporated into
projects. However, several libraries have adopted the Headless Component
pattern, promoting the development of accessible, adaptable, and
reusable components. Some of these libraries have already gained
significant traction within the community:

  • React ARIA: A
    library from Adobe that provides accessibility primitives and hooks for
    building inclusive React applications. It offers a collection of hooks
    to manage keyboard interactions, focus management, and ARIA annotations,
    making it easier to create accessible UI components.
  • Headless UI: A completely unstyled,
    fully accessible UI component library, designed to integrate beautifully
    with Tailwind CSS. It provides the behavior and accessibility foundation
    upon which you can build your own styled components.
  • React Table: A headless
    utility for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React.
    It provides a flexible hook that allows you to create complex tables
    with ease, leaving the UI representation up to you.
  • Downshift: A minimalist
    library to help you create accessible and customizable dropdowns,
    comboboxes, and more. It handles all the logic while letting you define
    the rendering aspect.

These libraries embody the essence of the Headless Component pattern
by encapsulating complex logic and behaviors, making it straightforward
to create highly interactive and accessible UI components. While the
provided example serves as a learning stepping stone, it’s prudent to
leverage these production-ready libraries for building robust,
accessible, and customizable components in a real-world scenario.

This pattern not only educates us on managing complex logic and state
but also nudges us to explore production-ready libraries that have honed
the Headless Component approach to deliver robust, accessible, and
customizable components for real-world use.


In this article, we delve into the concept of Headless Components, a
sometimes overlooked pattern in crafting reusable UI logic. Using the
creation of an intricate dropdown list as an example, we begin with a
simple dropdown and incrementally introduce features such as keyboard
navigation and asynchronous data fetching. This approach showcases the
seamless extraction of reusable logic into a Headless Component and
highlights the ease with which we can overlay a new UI.

Through practical examples, we illuminate how such separation paves
the way for building reusable, accessible, and tailored components. We
also spotlight renowned libraries like React Table, Downshift, React
UseGesture, React ARIA, and Headless UI that champion the Headless
Component pattern. These libraries offer pre-configured solutions for
developing interactive and user-friendly UI components.

This deep dive emphasizes the pivotal role of the separation of
concerns in the UI development process, underscoring its significance in
crafting scalable, accessible, and maintainable React applications.

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