208 “Never Have I Ever” Questions for Adults, Teens, and Kids


When the things you haven’t done are the most telling… 🤐

Last updated: June 13, 2024 by Michelle

I love learning hidden things about my friends, and a game of Never Have I Ever tends to reveal some shocking facts. You can break out this super simple and fun game with a group of friends, during a family gathering, or even in the thick of the holiday season. We have a wide range of more than 200 Never Have I Ever questions, so you can tailor your game to whoever you’re with. Whether it’s a tabletop game session or a casual get-together, these Never Have I Ever questions will liven up your gathering.

Never Have I Ever Questions

Get started with some general Never Have I Ever questions, or try out the holiday or games-themed questions if you have a specific gathering in mind. There’s really no wrong way to use these free Never Have I Ever questions for players of all ages. But if you want a primer on how to play, we can help with that as well!

Get a Random “Never Have I Ever” Question

Don’t want to pick for yourself? Click the button below and see how your friends react!

Best Never Have I Ever Questions

These Never Have I Ever questions might fit in any of the categories listed below, but they’re some of our overall favorites. Let them get you started designing your own game.

Never have I ever caused a scene at dinner.

Never have I ever seen a ghost.

Never have I ever kissed someone famous.

Never have I ever DMed an ex.

Never have I ever Googled my own name.

Never have I ever kept a secret from my best friend.

Never have I ever wanted to be famous.

Never have I ever laughed hard enough to spit out my drink.

Never have I ever left a mean comment online.

Never have I ever had my friends throw me a surprise party.

never have I ever seen a ghost

General Never Have I Ever Questions

Let’s kick this off with some general Never Have I Ever questions. They don’t fit in any of the other more narrow categories, but that doesn’t make them any less fun to play with.

Never have I ever donated blood.

Never have I ever taken a vacation alone.

Never have I ever read a whole book in a day.

Never have I ever fainted.

Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.

Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument.

Never have I ever slid into a famous person’s DMs.

Never have I ever let a stranger buy me a drink.

Never have I ever had a broken bone.

Never have I ever lied to a cop.

Never have I ever managed to keep a plant alive for more than a year.

Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter.

Never have I ever participated in a protest.

Never have I ever gotten a strange piercing.

Never have I ever been so late for a flight that it left without me.

Never have I ever seen Lord of the Rings.

Never have I ever knowingly cut ahead in a big line.

Never have I ever tried an unconventional diet.

Never have I ever fixed or changed a flat tire.

Never have I ever pretended to care about a conversation I found boring.

Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.

Never have I ever traveled outside of the country.

Never have I ever blown through a red light.

Never have I ever crashed a party.

Never have I ever been in a police car.

Never have I ever been in the ocean.

never have I ever managed to keep a plant alive

Juicy Never Have I Ever Questions

These ones aren’t appropriate for the kids. They’re our juiciest Never Have I Ever questions. Prepare to learn more about your friends than you ever wanted to.

Never have I ever checked up on an ex on social media.

Never have I ever cheated.

Never have I ever gone to a bachelor or bachelorette party.

Never have I ever written an anonymous love letter and sent it.

Never have I ever made out in a car.

Never have I ever done a “dine and dash.”

Never have I ever been in a relationship that took place
entirely online.

Never have I ever had a secret crush.

Never have I ever tried to get something I wanted by flirting.

Never have I ever dated multiple people at the same time.

Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.

Never have I ever been in a relationship that lasted a week or less.

Never have I ever gone on multiple dates in a single day.

Never have I ever had a hickey.

Never have I ever lied in a dating app profile.

Never have I ever had a one-night stand.

Never have I ever stolen something from a store.

Never have I ever caused a broken heart.

Never have I ever dated someone significantly older than me.

Never have I ever ghosted someone.

Never have I ever bailed last minute on a date.

Never have I ever drunkenly called an ex.

Never have I ever given someone a lap dance.

Never have I ever gotten arrested.

Never have I ever made out with a friend.

Never have I ever given out a fake phone number.

Never have I ever had my bank account balance hit zero or negative numbers.

never have I ever gone on multiple dates in a single day

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

Looking for a light-hearted version of Never Have I Ever? These funny Never Have I Ever questions aren’t super deep or juicy, but they can liven up a party in no time.

Never have I ever gone out in something out of the dirty laundry basket.

Never have I ever come home from a night out missing my shoes.

Never have I ever gone viral for something embarrassing.

Never have I ever had to get chewing gum out of my hair.

Never have I ever peed in the shower.

Never have I ever screamed while watching a scary movie.

Never have I ever had a crush on a fictional character.

Never have I ever run out of gas.

Never have I ever secretly believed a friend’s baby was kinda ugly.

Never have I ever gone a few days without showering.

Never have I ever had a dirty dream about an unexpected person.

Never have I ever broken the five-second rule.

Never have I ever played sick to get attention.

Never have I ever watched a whole show in a single day.

Never have I ever fallen asleep mid-phone conversation.

Never have I ever caused a toilet clog.

Never have I ever eaten a whole tub of ice cream by myself.

Never have I ever accidentally told someone I love them.

Never have I ever fallen out of a boat, canoe, kayak, etc.

Never have I ever made a prank call.

never have I ever had a crush on a fictional character

Weird Never Have I Ever Questions

Let’s take a detour away from the expected and explore some of our weirdest Never Have I Ever questions. You might not be ready for some of these.

Never have I ever taken a swim with sharks.

Never have I ever tried a ghost pepper.

Never have I ever chewed on my toenails.

Never have I ever gone out without deodorant on.

Never have I ever done an eating competition.

Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.

Never have I ever shed real tears over a commercial.

Never have I ever believed I had an epiphany.

Never have I ever eaten Cheez Whiz straight out of the can.

Never have I ever participated in a flash mob.

Never have I ever left the house in yesterday’s dirty socks.

Never have I ever eaten my pet’s food.

Never have I ever had a near-death experience.

Never have I ever tried to get on a reality TV show.

Never have I ever worn the same underwear for multiple days.

Never have I ever gone dumpster diving.

Never have I ever used the opposite gender’s bathroom.

Never have I ever gone to a psychic.

Never have I ever stolen someone’s clothes.

Never have I ever participated in role playing.

never have I ever tried to get on a reality TV show

Never Have I Ever Questions About Work Life

We’ve all done something we shouldn’t have at work. Spark some juicy water cooler conversation with these Never Have I Ever questions specifically about work.

Never have I ever claimed I was having internet issues in order to ditch work.

Never have I ever lied about my salary.

Never have I ever had to do a work project with a co-worker I can’t stand.

Never have I ever stolen from my job.

Never have I ever gone to a company holiday party.

Never have I ever quit my job.

Never have I ever gotten an award of some kind at work.

Never have I ever cried on the job.

Never have I ever let someone else take the blame when I screwed up at work.

Never have I ever shown up for work with a hangover.

Never have I ever lied on a resume or in an interview.

Never have I ever worked a service job.

never have I ever lied on a resume or in an interview

Never Have I Ever Questions About Sports

Even if you aren’t a huge sports fan, these Never Have I Ever questions about sports might spark some fun conversation. They aren’t only about professional sports, either. You’ll also find questions about all kinds of fun activities you might not realize you’re missing out on.

Never have I ever tried surfing.

Never have I ever done an extreme sport like mountain climbing or bungee jumping.

Never have I ever seen professional wrestling live.

Never have I ever been on a sports team.

Never have I ever gone snowboarding or skiing.

Never have I ever participated in a race.

Never have I ever been to an NFL game.

Never have I ever cried because my preferred sports team lost the game.

Never have I ever seen a professional sports team play live.

Never have I ever tried parkour.

Never have I ever gotten a serious injury while playing a sport.

never have I ever been on a sports team

Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids

Some of the questions above are a bit too spicy for the little ones. That’s why we’ve got some Never Have I Ever questions just for kids.

Never have I ever held a bug.

Never have I ever made an imaginary friend.

Never have I ever joined a school sports team.

Never have I ever let someone else take the blame for something I did.

Never have I ever finished a video game.

Never have I ever missed recess for some reason.

Never have I ever touched a llama.

Never have I ever worn my shoes on the wrong feet.

Never have I ever eaten a booger.

Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.

Never have I ever gotten up early to see the sunrise.

Never have I ever been in a school talent show.

Never have I ever traveled outside of my state.

Never have I ever let out a big burp in public.

Never have I ever finished a jigsaw puzzle.

Never have I ever faked sick to skip school.

Never have I ever gone to a beach.

Never have I ever done a cartwheel.

Never have I ever made up a story about someone.

Never have I ever joined a club at school.

never have I ever forgotten to do my homework

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

Teens might not be old enough for some of our questions, but too old for the questions for kids. These Never Have I Ever questions, therefore, get at their unique experiences during this tumultuous stage of their lives.

Never have I ever driven a car.

Never have I ever used SnapChat.

Never have I ever been responsible for a hashtag.

Never have I ever ditched school at lunchtime.

Never have I ever been on a horse.

Never have I ever lied to one of my teachers.

Never have I ever gone a whole night without sleeping.

Never have I ever flunked my driver’s test.

Never have I ever snuck out.

Never have I ever ridden in a plane.

Never have I ever gotten expelled.

Never have I ever gone viral.

Never have I ever worn braces.

Never have I ever had a video game console.

Never have I ever kissed on the bus.

Never have I ever used filters on my selfies.

Never have I ever cried in the bathroom at school.

Never have I ever tried to look like a celebrity.

Never have I ever done karaoke.

Never have I ever trolled someone.

never have I ever used filters on my selfies

Holiday Never Have I Ever Questions

You can even celebrate the holidays with a fun, family-friendly round of Never Have I Ever questions. These are great for a holiday gathering any time of the year.

Never have I ever had a romance just for the holidays.

Never have I ever set up a nativity scene.

Never have I ever put up spooky Halloween decorations.

Never have I ever received a Valentine’s gift from a secret admirer.

Never have I ever visited a “Christmas Town.”

Never have I ever celebrated a holiday in a different state.

Never have I ever declined a holiday party invitation.

Never have I ever done a Secret Santa gift exchange.

Never have I ever faked my birthday to get free dessert at a restaurant.

Never have I ever cried on Thanksgiving Day.

Never have I ever completely blanked on an important anniversary.

Never have I ever made my own Halloween costume from scratch.

Never have I ever sung Christmas carols.

Never have I ever thrown a surprise party for someone.

Never have I ever kissed under the mistletoe.

Never have I ever baked holiday-themed cookies.

Never have I ever given a Valentine’s card to a crush.

Never have I ever gone to a Thanksgiving Day parade.

Never have I ever bought all my Christmas gifts online.

Never have I ever gone to a haunted house for Halloween.

never have I ever had a romance just for the holidays

Imaginary Never Have I Ever Questions for Role-Playing and Tabletop Games

Extend the tell-all game to your role-playing world, either around the tabletop or for online games. Unlike those drawing on real experiences, these questions can get your creativity and imagination going. And maybe you’ll discover things about your characters that you didn’t know before.

Never have I ever taken part in a ritual.

Never have I ever joined forces with someone I knew was evil.

Never have I ever looted my allies.

Never have I ever ridden a mount.

Never have I ever taken a bath in a river.

Never have I ever had conflicting alliances.

Never have I flirted in game.

Never have I ever promised two opposing groups I’d help both of them.

Never have I ever stolen from a merchant.

Never have I ever changed classes.

Never have I ever had an ordinary job.

Never have I ever snuck into a place I shouldn’t be.

Never have I ever gone to a temple to worship – no, like, actually worship.

Never have I ever intentionally taken damage to get a special item.

Never have I ever knowingly let a vampire bite me.

Never have I ever stabbed a party member in the back.

Never have I ever hidden my past from my party.

Never have I ever eaten animal meat.

Never have I ever blown something up to solve my problems.

Never have I ever chosen riches over virtuous deeds.

Never have I ever killed someone for coin.

Never have I ever stolen from a political figure.

never have I ever stabbed a party member in the back

Never Have I Ever FAQs

Still have a few questions? No problem. We can help. If you’re still unsure how to set up a game of Never Have I Ever, read on to find the answers to the most common questions about the game.

What’s the best way to use Never Have I Ever questions?

That depends on your situation. If you’re hosting a holiday celebration, you might use these Never Have I Ever questions while everyone is waiting for dinner. If you’re just hanging out with friends, there’s really no wrong way to use them. You can even work them into a birthday party as a fun game for guests.

No matter the occasion, make sure you pare down your Never Have I Ever questions to ones that are appropriate for your specific gathering. For example, you might want to skip the “juicy” Never Have I Ever questions at your kid’s birthday party. Likewise, leave off the kids and teens questions when you’re just kicking back with friends.

Is Never Have I Ever appropriate for kids and teens?

Not always, but it can be. It depends on the nature of the gathering and the types of questions you ask. That’s why we provided specific Never Have I Ever questions for kids and teens. These questions are a bit more family-friendly and tailored to a different stage of life. For example, you wouldn’t really ask a young child about whether they’ve ever been fired from a job. But you could ask a teen.

The key to making Never Have I Ever questions appropriate for kids and teens is thinking about their needs. Make sure nothing gets too spicy and that the questions will be relatable for them. That way, everyone can have a good time.

How do you ask Never Have I Ever questions?

The best way to ask Never Have I Ever questions is to keep things light-hearted and fun. This shouldn’t be a serious game that upsets people. Let people dodge questions they aren’t super comfortable with. It’s not worth it to create an awkward atmosphere just to maintain the rules of a game that’s supposed to be for fun.

Another tip for asking Never Have I Ever questions is to give everyone a turn. Make sure the whole group feels included. Let someone new ask a question each round so that everyone is participating no matter how much they have (or haven’t) done.

Keep the Fun Going!

If you want more fun, light-hearted games for your next party or gathering, we’ve got you. We have everything from truth or dare and would you rather to coloring pages, word searches, and dad jokes.

Would You Rather Questions

Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Truth or Dare Questions


Printables Word Search Puzzles

Coloring Pages

Dad Jokes

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