AI Video: Why It’s Crucial For eLearning


Using AI For eLearning In The Post-Pandemic

When COVID-19 hit and was no longer perceived as two weeks off campus or work, educators and L&D experts worldwide faced the challenge of adapting their courses and classes to the online format. Sure, almost everything was already online in early 2020, but we still got to enjoy the beauty of live learning and unmatched human connection.

Sudden changes call for quick adaptation, and the hit of isolation-caused depression combined with the abrupt inability to meet people is very much real. This makes the learner’s engagement and involvement drop significantly, and AI became an unexpected yet much-needed relief. Using AI text-to-video tools with human presenters proved to be effective, as it provides learners with content they can relate to in a human-like way outside of the Zoom class.

Why AI Avatars And Not Recorded Lectures?

There are many reasons for an educator to use the help of an AI-powered text-to-video tool rather than recording themselves for every video. They may vary individually, of course, but we have prepared a list of the most common reasons.

1. The Lack Of Proper Equipment

Self-made does not have to mean low-quality, and educational experts understand it better than anyone else. Some have found themselves at home with their good old computer, a cell phone, and a camera that is not exactly made for video shooting. The presentation of the material affects how well it will be comprehended, so rather than filming a low-quality video, many choose to create a dynamic one from the text.

2. Speaking To A Camera Is Just Awkward

Let’s face it: it is common to be great at teaching offline and still face difficulties when having to speak the material in front of the camera. “Teaching” a camera can be confusing, and at the end of the day, will the learners watch it? Generating a video with a human avatar is much more efficient than shooting clip after clip.

3. The Challenges Of Video Editing

Filming a video is one thing, but editing can really take a toll on someone who is inexperienced. There is always something imperfect that needs to be changed: whether it is the volume or the lighting in one particular shot. With AI, all of these problems go away, as the human avatars are always camera-ready, and their voices and volume can be adjusted easily.

How Exactly Does AI Video Creation Work?

To create an AI video, one needs only as much as a video script. We are sure that a lot of educators have their training, lessons, and lectures written out already, so that makes the job a whole lot easier. AI-powered platforms like offer a simplified version of video creation that reminds you of making a PowerPoint presentation: each scene is a slide. Designing the slides is a breeze, as there are usually appropriately themed video templates, yet you can personalize them in a way that is most fit for you. Each slide should have some text in the text-to-speech area: after the rendering process, what was written out will be voiced over by the human avatar of choice. Different platforms offer a different variety, yet you will find diversity in each one.

There are plenty of languages and voices to choose from as well, so even teaching some language vocabulary should not be a problem.

After the rendering process, you will get a fully narrated video. If you see the need for making edits, it can be easily done by going back to the video builder and changing whatever needs to be changed.

AI Videos With Human Avatars Increase Engagement And Decrease The Sense Of Detachment

Now, in 2022, we understand that the aftermath of the pandemic is here to stay. While now many people prefer to work and study remotely, we have also gotten used to not going out and seeing people more than necessary. This does not, however, mean that we have evolved past the need for human connection, even if our lifestyles and mindsets have been affected greatly.

A sense of detachment can form without our realization, and keeping the learners connected to their learning peers, material, and educator is more important and challenging than ever. AI videos are perfect for supporting learners throughout their modern eLearning journey and giving them the chance to connect the process with positive emotions.

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