Future Fitness App Review [2022]. I tried it!



When I learned that over 50% of all people that sign up for a gym membership go only once a week or bail on the experience altogether, I wasn’t surprised. A few years back I joined a small local gym determined to stay active and get fit. It was close to my house and started out great. I was going 4-5 times a week, attending classes, and was keeping up with it. But, as time went on I got bored with my routine and the equipment there.  My last straw was when a personal trainer there started chowing down on spaghetti & meatballs, right behind me while I was running on a treadmill, and while he was training another member. As soon as the smell of his lunch wafted through the hot gym and hit me, I knew I was done there.

Future Is A Fitness App That Keeps You Motivated With Your Own Personal Elite Coach 

Since my last gym experience, I prefer working out at home. Then the pandemic hit, and like most of us that became our only option. Whether I’m in the gym or at home, I find  it really hard to stick to a workout routine and stay motivated long-term.  But, now there’s an app for that. 

Future, a fitness and coaching app in the Apple store, is based on the science of what motivates us as humans to stay on track with our fitness goals (or goals in general) and adds a personal touch.  With Future, you get your own elite personal fitness coach, who not only makes weekly custom workout plans just for you, but also holds you accountable by messaging you with daily check-ins, tips, and feedback before and after your workouts. It’s this constant back and forth communication that somehow energizes us to get those workouts done and conquer those fitness goals. And it works.

What’s also reassuring to know is that Future only hires the best fitness professionals in the business.  Over 80% of Future coaches have trained pro, collegiate, or Olympic athletes. 95%+ have a bachelor’s degree in exercise science with a majority also having a master’s degree too.

A screen shot of the Future Fitness app doing a workout.

What’s best is that your Future workout program revolves 100% around your schedule, fitness goals, and access to workout equipment.

Want to finally get fit again?

Limited Time Deal: Get your first month of Future for just $19! Choose your coach, get a custom workout plan, and start reaching your fitness goals today! Future Fit App Coaches

Here’s How The Future Fitness App Works:

1. First I Downloaded The Future App And Selected A Coach

 After taking a short simple quiz on the Future website or app about my fitness likes, dislikes, goals and experience, Future matched me with 4 different coaches to choose from. Here you can read their bios to get info about their past and current fitness experience to help you choose who you want to guide you on your fitness journey. 

I chose my coach Lori because I liked that she started her own elite gym focusing on women’s exercise confidence and was a manager and strength & conditioning coach for an all-ages boxing gym.  I also loved that she believes in integrating holistic stress management techniques like meditation for total well-being.

 💡 Future App Tip: Instead of getting matched by Future’s quiz, scroll down to the bottom of their website homepage and click the link that says “Coaches.” Here you can pick from all their coaches instead of getting matched with just a few. Click the bio of the one you like and then select “Train With” to get started.

Future Fit App Fitness Coach Lori Gray2. Next, Schedule A Chat To Talk To Your Coach 

After choosing my coach, I then scheduled a meeting with her over Facetime to discuss my fitness history and goals, how I like to work out, how long, if I had any medical concerns or mobility issues, and what equipment I had access to. This chat gives your coach the foundation to build your workouts, but it’s also a great time for you to get to know your coach and establish a connection so you know who you’re messaging each day.  My meeting lasted around 25 minutes and got me even more comfortable with Lori and the Future experience.Working out at home with the Future app

3. Get Ready For Your Future App Workouts To Drop!

After the meet and greet with your coach, they’ll build your fitness plan and create your workouts. Your new Future workouts for the week can be viewed under the “Workouts” button on the bottom left. To see any of these workouts,  select “Overview” to review each exercise in your routine, along with their minutes, reps, and weights needed, if applicable. 

What’s really handy is that each exercise in your Future workout has example videos to teach you proper form with audio and visual cues to help motivate you. One of the many things I love about Future is the motivating audio message my coach gives me at the start of each workout. She also records little tips and tricks that play during the workout to keep me going and help me with form. 

 💡 Future Tip: If you feel like you need a pair of eyes on your form, you can record yourself doing an exercise and send it to your coach for feedback.  They’ll then give you any pointers or give you a thumbs up.

During the workouts, you can manually record your exercise reps or make changes to the weights suggested if needed. You can also pause the app at any time if you need to grab a drink of water. Whenever you complete a workout, the app records all your stats, like your calories burned and saves it so you can keep track of your progress. Your coach will also get notified when you complete a workout so they can monitor your activity, give you feedback and adjust future workouts if needed.

 You can also revisit any finished workout and restart it again at any time.

Screencasting the dumbbell press at home using Future appWays To View Your Future App Workouts

Since Future is only compatible with iOs at the moment, once the app is downloaded, you can always view your workouts right from the app on your iPhone or iPad. You can also use the “Screen Mirroring” option to AirPlay it to a smart TV or Mac Laptop. 

To AirPlay your Future workout, swipe up when you’re in the app and a control center screen will pull up. Tap “Screen Mirroring” and select which Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV you want to stream it to. Just make sure both your phone and the device are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Follow the prompts if there are any and you should be good to go. I used my Roku and it asked for an Apple ID that popped up on my phone.

The Screen Mirroring option with Future is awesome if you love working out in a specific room or a dedicated space with a smart TV. I thought I’d always prefer doing the workouts on my big screen TV, but I actually enjoy using my phone for my mat-based workouts. Like anything, just see what works best for you, or mix things up like I’ve been doing.

Future Workouts Are Never Boring And Your Coach Keeps You Accountable To Get Moving

Your personal coach on Future isn’t just there to make an awesome fitness program for you and schedule your workouts. They definitely do that. But, what the Future app (and your coach) does best is to keep you accountable with those daily check-in messages and reminders. They’re also someone to share your fitness achievements with.

My coach Lori, checks in with me to see how I’m doing and to get feedback on a workout I just did. She’ll even ask me if I need to move my schedule around, if I’m not feeling well or if work gets too crazy. But no matter what’s going on when I hear the ding of Future notification in the morning, it gets me motivated to get moving. I can’t let my coach down, now can I?

Future Playlists Are Great And Integration With The Apple Watch Makes The Experience Even Better

One of the coolest features of Future is that it integrates with the Apple Watch to keep track of things like your steps, calories burned, heart rate, and time working out.

With a single tap, the watch also allows you to flow to the next exercise of your Future workout without having to reach over to your phone. This can be really convenient when you’re doing mat exercises, or you’re standing up when your phone is resting on the ground.

The watch is also one more thing to help motivate you, as you can set movement and activity goals and then earn badges when you reach those goals.

Thoughts On Future App

I read a review about Future that jokingly said they kindly nag you to workout. But for me, Future doesn’t feel like nagging at all. It feels like I’m being steered to healthy workout habits and actually have fun along the way. I’m really enjoying the whole Future experience and even after the first week I noticed I was already feeling stronger, had more energy and my mood was better.  

Whether you feel like the pandemic has thrown a wrench into your fitness/gym routine or you’re wanting to start and stay motivated to workout, Future, and your Future coach can help you crush those fitness goals.

For me, the Future app and technology got me back into working out, but it’s the personal connection with my coach that I know is making a huge difference from other things I’ve tried. 

At the end of the day, the decision to work out or not is still mine and yours. Future just figured out the best way to keep a slacker like me on track.

How Much Does Future Fitness Cost

As of 9/22, Future Fitness costs $149 per month. BUT, as a reader of Better Living you can join Future today for just $19 for your first month or 50% off your first 3 months to try it out, risk free. You can pick your coach, have a facetime consultation with them, receive a custom workout plan, and start achieving your fitness goals. After the 30 days, if you’re not fully satisfied, Future will refund your full amount. You can also pause or cancel your subscription at any time. So, give it a try!

90 Day Future Update ➡ 50+ Workouts Completed! 17,000 Calories Burned!

I can’t believe it, but it’s 90 days in and I’ve officially completed 50 workouts with Future! Am I still loving my experience? Yes, 100%. Would I change anything? At the moment – no. I feel like I’m finally on such a positive track with my fitness journey and I’m riding the wave of letting my coach guide me. And I have no intention of slowing down.

If anything, using Future actually has me in love with fitness and working out again, for good. I love seeing that little check mark next to a completed workout, and I know the progress I’ve made so far is so much more than what I could accomplish on my own. I went from insanely sore, barely able to walk and thinking what have I gotten myself into after my first week, to now diving into my workouts with all I have and excited about it. 

I’ve lost about 4 pounds. I’m lifting more weight than ever,  I’ve gained muscle, and definitely feel much stronger. 

Here’s What I’ve Learned After 55+ Future Workouts

I Now Enjoy Aspects Of Working Out I Used To Avoid

Fact: I used to hate even the thought of working out with weights. And lunges? No way. But going on this little fitness journey, I decided I would try whatever was thrown my way. At least for a little while. So, yes, my coach has included both weights and lunges in all their magnificent forms into my workouts.

Over the past 3 months, I committed to doing the work and I’ve watched myself get stronger and my balance has improved. As a result, I’m more confident with exercises that I previously hated and seeing the benefits. And something crazy happened along the way: I look forward to weights and don’t fear those evil lunges anymore. Instead, I’m set on getting better and better.

Of course, if you do decide to try Future and absolutely hate a certain exercise or activity, your coach won’t include it in your workout. As I started working out again, I decided I would keep an open mind and give all exercises a try. I’m so glad I did!

My Coach Keeps Me Super Motivated To Workout Even When I’m Not Loving Life

Have I woken up every morning since starting Future absolutely dying to workout? I’m only human, and the answer is no. Some days you’re stressed, you have too much work, you’re tired or don’t feel your best, and chilling on the couch is a whole lot more appealing. So while I haven’t turned into an exercise-obsessed robot, it’s getting those motivating messages first thing in the morning from my coach Lori that mentally prepares me to get my butt into gear to get my workout done no matter how I feel.  

And this I’ve found is one of the most incredible benefits of the Future app versus doing it all on your own. When you have to officially start making excuses to another person instead of just yourself about why you can’t work out that day, you realize how lame they usually are. It gets kind of embarrassing, really. So rather than feel like a failure, it’s easier to work out and get that checkmark for a completed workout. And afterward, you feel like you’ve really accomplished something. It’s a great feeling.

It’s so true that you’ll never feel sorry for working out, you’ll only regret not doing it in the first place.

I Really Wish I Hadn’t Put Off Working Out For So Long. I Feel More Energetic And Confident Than I Have In A While

There’s no doubt that working out religiously these past 90 days has given me more energy, but I’m also really happy with the positive changes that I’m seeing in my body. My legs are getting more toned, and my arms, which I’ve always struggled with, are more defined than they’ve ever been. I’ve even lost 4 pounds since starting, which is fueling my motivation to keep working out. And since I have more energy, I’ve been able to get more done around the house and be more productive at work. 

Future Has Helped Me Make Fitness A Part Of My Routine And Not Just Another Chore

By using the Future Fitness app, I finally feel like I’m focused on my fitness goals now that exercise has become part of my daily routine. I actually look forward to my workouts now as a time to decompress and destress as I burn those calories. This might not be a big deal for some people, but this has been huge for me.

Using the Apple Watch Makes A Big Difference!

You don’t need an Apple Watch to work out with Future, but I’ve found that it gives you even more motivation to stay active in a wearable form. Daily, I love logging my steps, seeing how many calories I’ve burned, keeping track of my activity, checking my heart rate, and earning badges when I reach certain goals.

It’s also really convenient during workouts (especially floor routines) when you’re ready to advance to the next exercise, adjust your weights, or if your phone is out of reach. 

If you’re an Android user that’s dying to try Future, unfortunately they’re only in the Apple Store at the moment. But a cheaper refurbished iPhone and a discount mobile plan can get you started without too much of an investment in a new device.

Having Someone To Talk Fitness With Helps Keep Me Motivated

Having my coach has made all the difference for me. Your family and friends might notice the new you, but they might not want to know the nitty-gritty. I love that I can talk shop and ask my coach a health or fitness question any time of day and they’ll be there to help. My coach Lori also shares her own healthy lifestyle tips that serve as great little reminders and keeps me on top of my game.

I’m Finally Ready To Start Setting More Defined Fitness Goals

When I first started with Future, my only real goal was to shed a few pounds, tone up a bit and get myself regularly active again. Now that I’ve accomplished that, I can see what sticking with a fitness routine can really do. And I’m ready to go further. I know if I want to get leaner and stronger, working on my eating habits is my next task. And I know my Future coach is there to help me crush it.

Video Review: One Year Update!

I’ve completed over 250 workouts with Future and burned more than 54,000 calories! 😀 

Final Thoughts on the Future Fitness App

I’ve been truly loving my experience with the Future app and feel like it’s definitely worth a try for anyone who wants to start working out, needs that extra daily push, or even take your fitness to a new level with an expert coach.

Honestly, I’ve never been so excited to keep working out, tackling fitness goals I never dreamed of accomplishing, and seeing where Future and my awesome coach will take me.

Want To Get Fit? Try Future For Yourself!

 ➡ As part of our audience, get your 1st month of Future for only $19 or 50% off your first 3 months!

Plus, Future offers a 30-day risk-free trial. So, pick your coach and start your fitness journey now!

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