Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi launched the Redmi 12 4G last month with the Helio G88 SoC at the helm, and the company is expected to follow up with a 5G version soon. While Xiaomi hasn’t divulged anything about the Redmi 12 5G yet, a device with model code 23076RN4BI, believed to be the Redmi 12 5G, has appeared on Geekbench with its key specs.
The Xiaomi 23076RN4BI runs Android 13 and likely has the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 SoC at the helm. It has 8GB RAM onboard, but there could be more memory options that are yet to be confirmed.
The Xiaomi 23076RN4BI also appeared in BIS’ database, confirming its Indian launch. Xiaomi will launch the Redmi 12 in India on August 1, but it’s unclear if it’s the 4G model or the 5G version.
The teasers shared by the Chinese brand hint at the 4G variant since the phone’s design is similar and features a 50MP primary camera. However, if it’s the 5G model, it will be interesting to see if the chipset will be the only differentiating factor between the two versions or if there will be more differences.
There’s also a chance that the Redmi 12 5G is a version of the Redmi Note 12R, which is a Redmi 12 4G with the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 SoC, 5MP selfie shooter, and no ultrawide camera. You can check the detailed specs comparison of the Redmi 12 4G and Redmi Note 12R here.
You can also read our Redmi 12 4G’s detailed review here to learn more about it or watch the video review linked below.