Super Mario Bros. Wonder Flower Coins And Wonder Seeds Guide


Super Mario Bros. Wonder is out now, and if you’re anything like us, you’re playing through it, trying to find every secret the game has to offer (read our review right here). The two main collectibles come in the form of 10 Flower Coins and Wonder Seeds. Each main stage has three 10 Flower Coins for you to collect, while each main stage features at least two Wonder Seeds for you to grab. While the Wonder Seeds are tied to each exit a stage has, you also get one for collecting a Wonder Flower and completing the corresponding Wonder Effect. 

Below, you’ll see the locations of every single 10 Flower Coin (we’ll just call them Flower Coins from here on out) and Wonder Seed. Some of them are more easily attained with certain Badges, while others require a bit of hunting around or a skillful, well-timed sequence of jumps. Since this is all about revealing the locations of the game’s main collectibles, proceed with caution if you are concerned about spoilers for how the stages play out, but also for the existence of certain elements, enemies, and even areas in the game. But if you’re in this guide, we’re pretty sure you already know what you’re getting into. Without further ado, here is the list of every Flower Coin and Wonder Flower in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

How To Get All The Flower Coins And Wonder Seeds

Pipe-Rock Plateau

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

W1: Pipe-Rock Plateau

Welcome to the Flower Kingdom!

Flower Coins

  1. You’ll find it along the main path wrapped in bricks. Use the Elephant Fruit to break through the blocks on the side.
  2. On top of the tree. If you have trouble reaching it, water a nearby bud to bring the pipes higher 
  3. Jump off the inchworm pipe during the Wonder Effect to reach it

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When you come to the line of pipes, it’s floating above them.
  • Effect
    • The pipes begin moving up and down, with one of the horizontal pipes crawling like an inchworm.

Piranha Plants on Parade

Flower Coins

  1. Go down the red pipe to go into the background, then go all the way left.
  2. Along the main path on the musical blocks.
  3. After the Wonder Flower, it’s found on the upper part of the level where the plants are walking on the ceiling.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Bouncing back and forth along the main path.
  • Effect
    • Piranha plants break into a song and dance.

Secret Exit

  • Right after the Wonder Effect ends, use the musical blocks to jump on top of the ceiling that has the three pipes sticking out at different angles. Go in the pipe.

Scram, Skeddadlers!

Flower Coins

  1. Chase down the Skeddadler that’s carrying it.
  2. Go down the red pipe and defeat the Skeddadler a couple of screens before the checkpoint.
  3. Destroy the honeycomb piece down below with the Elephant power to reach the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • A Skeddadler is carrying it.
  • Effect
    • Super Star shower as you chase down Skeddadlers.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Bulrush Coming Through!

Flower Coins

  1. Ground pound the tree after the first coin twice so it’s level with the ground, then lure one of the Bulrush to clear out the blocks.
  2. Ground pound the tree with the Talking Flower that says “Bored, bored, bored…” then complete the cloud area it takes you to in order to reach the coin.
  3. Skip the Wonder Effect, and lure a later Bulrush into a set of blocks to let you access the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Get the Bulrush to jump off the ramp to break the glowing blocks to reveal the Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • Bulrush Stampede that you can ride.

Here Come the Hoppos

Flower Coins

  1. Wedge a Hoppo into one of the pits, then bounce off it to reach coin 1.
  2. When a Hoppo gets wedged between two red pipes, bounce off it to reach a new area with a coin.
  3. In the area where you need to throw the Koopa Troopa shell up to hit the blocks, take the shell.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the area where all the Hoppos are bouncing off each other and getting stuck in pipes, hit all the floating buds to reveal the Flower.
  • Effect
    • A ton of Hoppos flood the area, including a giant one holding a seed.

Rolla Koopa Derby

Flower Coins

  1. Right at the start on the music blocks.
  2. Hit the blocks at the end of the music block line to reveal a Propeller Flower.
  3. Right by the checkpoint, hit a Rolla Koopa to stun then, then hit the shell into the block at the base of the hill to reveal the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • On the big tree, pull the handle to reveal the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Magical hills appear and you climb up, collecting Wonder Tokens.

Swamp Pipe Crawl

Flower Coins

  1. Push the moveable pipe into place by going all the way right to snap it into the other half of the pipe then go into the background.
  2. Immediately after coming back to the foreground after Coin 1, push one of the pipes before the Talking Flower remarking about the “creepy crawlies” to the left to allow access to a horizontal pipe.
  3. Go down the pipe at the end of the unbreakable bricks and into the background.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the part where there are two moveable pipes (one on the ground, one on the ledge), build a bridge with the lower one, then push the upper one across to snap it into place.
  • Effect
    • A nearby pipe becomes an inchworm pipe as you ride it through the level.

Angry Spikes and Sinkin’ Pipes

Flower Coins

  1. Hit the flower bud down by the Spike to reveal a pipe to take you into the background.
  2. Jump up on the musical blocks the Spike is on to get coin 2.
  3. Take the sinking pipe under the main platform to the area where there’s a Spike and some Piranha Plants. Defeat them and then reveal the Flower Coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Hit the flower bud to spawn the Wonder Flower, then jump on the pipe with the Talking Flower warning about the pipe not being able to hold both of you. Ride it down below the screen.
  • Effect
    • Musical sequence starring the Spikes where you ride up the pipes avoiding the balls.

Bulrush Express

Flower Coins

  1. Jump off the Swirlypod snails to grab coin 1.
  2. Very briefly jump off the stampede to grab the second coin by the pink pipe. Be quick about getting back on the Bulrush, or you’ll be left behind.
  3. Jump off the giant Swirlypod to get the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • As soon as you go down the pipe at the start of the level.
  • Effect
    • A Bulrush stampede carries you through the level.

Secret Exit

  • Have the Elephant power and smash through the bricks before the final pipe and go through the other pipe.

Sproings in the Twilight Forest

Flower Coins

  1. Go under the risen platform using the Elephant Fruit to break the barrier.
  2. When you see the coin above you, you can access it by jumping up where the tree trunk is and wall jumping to the platform.
  3. During the Wonder Effect, you can reach the third coin by holding down on the left side of the platform and walking to the coin when you see it, allowing you to go underneath the ledge.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Defeat the glowing Sproing.
  • Effect
    • You become super stretched. Each time you duck, items will drop down temporarily. This is how you get the Wonder Seed.

Cosmic Hoppos

Flower Coins

  1. Continue your ascent and when you see the first coin, knock the Hoppo down so you can bounce off it to get the first coin.
  2. As you keep climbing, you’ll see it on your right. Bounce off the Smogrin to reach it.
  3. When you see the Hoppo blocking the tunnel to the left, stun a Swirlypod snail on the right side of your screen, then throw its shell into the Hoppo to clear the path. In the next area, wedge the two Hoppos into place and bounce up to get the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When you see the flagpole, you need to wedge the Hoppo into the gap next to it but go straight up instead of going to the pole. Then hit the glowing spot in the wall to reveal the Flower.
  • Effect
    • The Hoppo on the screen becomes super bouncy and sends you into space.

Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace

Flower Coins

  1. After the checkpoint and Wonder Flower, you’ll notice a flower bud in a small gap in the ceiling. Bounce off a dry bones to reach it and spawn the coin.
  2. Shortly after coin 1, you’ll see coin 2 under a platform protected by blocks. Using the Elephant Power up, destroy the blocks and sprint across the gap to reach it.
  3. During the Wonder Effect, you’ll see coin 3 floating above the acid. The pipe above it will fall, and you need to quickly jump on it before it sinks into the acid below.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Keep going on the main path, and you’ll see it under the checkpoint. Drop down on the right and go into the horizontal pipe to reach it.
  • Effect
    • Pipes start falling as you move through the stage.

KO Arena: Pipe-Rock Rumble

Flower Coins

  1. Beat the KO Arena in 180 seconds or less.
  2. Beat the KO Arena in 120 seconds or less.
  3. Beat the KO Arena in 70 seconds or less.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in KO Arena courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Parachute Cap I

Flower Coins

  1. Hit the flower bud, then land on the platform to get the coin.
  2. After the checkpoint, get on the top platform that spawns to reach the coin.
  3. Right at the top of the flagpole.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Wall-Climb Jump I

Flower Coins

  1. Go left as you begin your ascent.
  2. Jump to the rotating block using the wall-climb jump and jump up to get the coin.
  3. All the way at the top, wall-climb jump the left wall, the wall-jump off it.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Expert Badge Challenge: Jet Run I

Flower Coins

  1. On the main path.
  2. On the main path.
  3. Go the upper route in the later part of the challenge.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Wiggler Race: Mountaineering!

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Wiggler Race courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Hurry, Hurry 

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Wonder Token Tunes

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Pop Up, Hippo!

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Fluff-Puff Peaks

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

W2: Fluff-Puff Peaks

Outmaway Valley

Flower Coins

  1. Drop down to the two Outmaways kicking the big ice block back and forth, defeat one, then pull the handle to get the coin.
  2. After the second yellow pipe, go under the platform with the Outmaway that has three stacked ice blocks and drop into that pit to fall to the area with coin 2.
  3. Right after the checkpoint, jump on the giant ice block coming out of the black and red block and let the Outmaway kick it. Ride it all the way to the end, jumping over the platform and hitting the flower bud to spawn coin 3. Jump off right before the ice block goes down the pit.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • At the part where you see the diagonal yellow pipes, ground pound the giant ice block.
  • Effect
    • The stage turns into a rolling snowball avalanche.

Secret Exit

  • Ride the Wonder Effect avalanche through the first flagpole.

Pokipede Pass

Flower Coins

  1. When you see the Pokipede on the grid-like track, climb up and go left on the elevated platforms to find coin 1.
  2. After seeing it on the right side of your screen during the main path, go up and over that platform, then double back to the left when you drop down and destroy the snow blocks to reach the coin.
  3. After Wonder Flower, go under the canopy and look for the Pokipede up top to clear any snow to reveal the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When you see it, stop and wait for a Pokipede to come through and destroy the grey blocks.
  • Effect
    • Snow starts falling, creating snow blocks.

Condarts Away!

Flower Coins

  1. After a while, you’ll come to a part where you need to climb some platforms, but you’ll see a Condart hovering below the platform with a coin. Avoid the Condart and get the coin.
  2. When you reach the top of that section, go left on top of the roof and hit the block to reveal the Propeller Flower, then ride the Zip Tracks to the end of the sequence and bounce off the Condart to get the coin.
  3. Lure the Condart to destroy the two vertical lines of bricks, then go down the pipe. Then lure the Condart in there to hit the POW block.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the part where the Condart is hovering above with small platforms on either side, bounce off it and reach the Wonder Flower
  • Effect
    • The level briefly shifts to a top-down perspective. You can’t jump or attack here, so you must move through the area and avoid enemies until you reach the Wonder Seed.

Pole Block Passage

Flower Coins

  1. When you see it on the left, extend the pole block on the right to have a platform you can use to reach it.
  2. After the pipe that spawns Koopa Troopas, ground pound the pole block to extend a pole you can use to grab the coin.
  3. Right above coin 2, take a Koopa Troopa shell and throw it at the high pole block to extend it and reach the pipe. Go up the pipe, then throw a shell between the two pole blocks to have permanent poles to climb to reach the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the part with two yellow pipes (one of which spawns Koopa Troopas), throw a shell at the pole block to extend a pole downward, then climb up it to reach the platforms. Then hit the pole block by the Talking Flower.
  • Effect
    • Poles start extending everywhere as you climb to collect Wonder Tokens.

Up ‘n’ Down with Puffy Lifts

Flower Coins

  1. Ride the second puffy lift to the bottom to reach coin 1.
  2. On the huge puffy lift where the spike balls spawn, ride the lift all the way to the bottom so the spike ball rolls onto the glowing spot on the left.
  3. After Wonder Flower, find the next area where spike balls are dropped onto the Puffy Lift and ride the leftmost one all the way to the bottom, then grab the coin and wall jump back to safety.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Defeat a Galoomba coming out of the pipe to spawn a Puffy Lift, then ride it up to find the Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • Turns you into a Puffy Lift as you climb and redirect Spike Balls.

Jump! Jump! Jump!

Flower Coins

  1. Find it on an upper-left platform that is a slight detour, so you should be quick so you don’t fall behind.
  2. On the main path.
  3. On the main path.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • It turns the stage into a timing-based jumping challenge.

Countdown to Drop Down

Flower Coins

  1. Go down the first pipe.
  2. In part with floating Flower Buds, hit the blocks that go up and time it just right to hit the one going back and forth to spawn clouds. Then toss the POW block upwards to knock the coin down.
  3. Before the changing power-up block, grab Lakitu’s cloud and go under the platform to grab the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When Lakitu is above you, take its cloud and go beneath the yellow pipes to grab the Flower.
  • Effect
    • The stage transforms into a free-fall section with Smogrin and a Super Star shower.

Cruising with Linking Lifts

Flower Coins

  1. The overhead bird will drop it on the cloud section. Jump up and grab it and add more links to the lift.
  2. At the end of the first Linking Lift ride, duck down and crawl all the way to the right to the flower bud.
  3. While riding the second Linking Lift, you’ll see it floating above. Time your hit on the block that flies up when you hit it to grab this coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • At the start of the second Linking Lift ride.
  • Effect
    • Lakitus throw items from the background as you collect Wonder Tokens.

Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship

Flower Coins

  1. After the initial round of fireworks enemies, some platforms will appear, wall jump onto the ceiling to get coin 1.
  2. Use the fireworks enemy to clear the destroy the brown blocks blocking the pipe, go in and do the same thing to get the coin.
  3. Push the second Bob-omb cannon platform all the way right to create a platform so you can reach the pipe.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Use the fireworks enemy to destroy the blocks to access the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Bowser starts targeting you with his cannons. Avoid them as you make your way through the stage.

Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace

Flower Coins

  1. Go under the platform and defeat the Hammer Bro to reach coin 1. If you don’t have a power-up, you can push down on the middle pipe to the right to lift the Hammer Bro out of the way.
  2. During the Wonder Effect, you’ll see it under a platform above acid. Go on the pipe just to the right of the coin to sink down, then duck to reach it.
  3. Immediately after coin 2, go right and see coin 3. Once again, duck and crawl to reach it.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When the metal piranha plants are on the ceiling, and you have the two green pipes with a bridge between them, press down on the final pipe before the pipes to spawn the flower and time it right to push it up on top of the platform instead of below it.
  • Effect

KO Arena: Fluff-Puff Kerfuff

Flower Coins

  1. Beat the KO Arena in 180 seconds or less.
  2. Beat the KO Arena in 120 seconds or less.
  3. Beat the KO Arena in 70 seconds or less.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in KO Arena courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Wall-Climb Jump II

Flower Coins

  1. You’ll see it on the left side of your screen as you begin your ascent. Go up the right side to climb over to the left and drop down to reach it.
  2. When you see the second coin on the right side, just get somewhere above it, then ride the Zip Track down the right wall. The easiest place is the stable platform shortly above it.
  3. Get on top of the final rotating platform, then when it tilts left, jump toward the coin and wall-climb jump up to it.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Floating High Jump I

Flower Coins

  1. Dash then jump off the diagonal pipe at the start.
  2. Carefully jump to the platform between all the Piranha Plants and then Float Jump to the coin.
  3. Run and jump off the large pipes to jump over the giant Piranha Plant and reach the third coin. Use the spin in mid-air (shoulder button/trigger) if you need extra hang time.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Expert Badge Challenge: Spring Feet I

Flower Coins

  1. Hold the jump button as you bounce on the moving platform to reach the first coin.
  2. Just after the first coin and the checkpoint, pick up a little momentum and bounce off the stable platform to reach coin 2.
  3. High-bounce between the two moving platforms to grab it.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Kick It, Outmaway

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Cloud Cover

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Zip-Go-Round

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Search Party: Puzzling Park

  • There are no 10-Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers in Search Party stages but for help with Search Party, head to our guide here.

Shining Falls

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

W3: Shining Falls

The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay

Flower Coins

  1. Under bricks early on, lure Hoppycats to break them.
  2. On descending column of platforms.
  3. Bottom right of the stage after Wonder Flower (go back down if you did the Wonder Effect).

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Lure Hoppycat up to the side-to-side platform and have them hit the long question block from below.
  • Effect

The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly!

Flower Coins

  1. Water the dry flower bud and spawn a vine.
  2. Go into the pipe after the moving platform sequence and avoid the jumping Anglefish to pull the handle.
  3. You need to have Elephant form: Water the dried flower bud shortly after the checkpoint to spawn a platform under the giant Swirlypod snail. If you’re an elephant, you can pick up its shell after jumping on it to get rid of the slug. If you’re an elephant, you can pick it up and toss it upwards at the pipe with blocks covering the opening. Go inside and do the same thing on the flower buds and, eventually, the Flower Coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Bounce off Anglefish to reach Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • Bounce upwards off Anglefish to reach the top.

The Midway Trial: Hop To It

Flower Coins

  1. Left side at the start of your climb.
  2. At the checkpoint, go in the pipe on the left and make the Hoppycat hit the P-Block to create the floor. Be careful because Hoppycats will fall to block you.
  3. After the Wonder Effect, go through the pipe, and on your right, you’ll see it just out of reach. If you’re judicious with your jumps, you can use the bricks before the Hoppycats destroy them, or you can use the crouching high jump badge to circumvent that challenge.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Defeat the glowing red Hoppycat by hitting it from below after the checkpoint.
  • Effect
    • You become a Hoppycat who can jump super high. Timer, but you have plenty of time.

The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky

Flower Coins

  1. On your way to get the Wonder Flower, hit the flower bud to spawn the first purple coin.
  2. While running through Wonder Effect, spot it moving along a dashed line.
  3. On the vertically moving platforms near the end.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Go under the clouds at the very beginning, avoiding the Sugarstars (you can temporarily defeat them with a fire flower).
  • Effect
    • Super Stars rain down as you go through the stage.

The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory

Flower Coins

  1. Jump on the Trompette or use the Hoppycat in your moving launcher to hit it in such a way that it falls into the coin to collect it for you.
  2. Quickly hit the Trompette with the Hoppycat in your launcher to knock it into the coin.
  3. At the end of the post-Wonder Flower moving platform path, launch Hoppycat into the question block to propel it upward to hit Flower Coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the checkpoint, shoot Hoppycat in your launcher platform into the question block.
  • Effect
    • You turn into a Hoppycat and must jump upwards.

The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash

Flower Coins

  1. On the main path.
  2. Once the platforms begin to move, go on the upward path and make sure you’re on the left side of the vertical climb when you reach the top.
  3. After the checkpoint, ride through the moving Zip Tracks, and you’ll run into it.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Go on top of moving Zip Track by Smogrin.
  • Effect
    • Turn into Hoppycat and ride the Zip Tracks. This will cause you to miss the second and third coins.

Royal Seed Mansion

Secret Exit

  • After receiving the Royal Seed from this location, return to it, and the Poplin will open the secret exit to Special World.

POOF! Badge Challenge: Crouching High Jump II

Flower Coins

  1. On top of the Trompettes.
  2. At the peak of the coin trail.
  3. At the top of the flagpole. Jump off the Trompette to get it to and top of the flagpole.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Unreachable Treasure?

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Watery Wonder Tokens

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Timer-Switch Dash

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Timer-Switch Climb

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Search Party: An Empty Park?

  • There are no 10-Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers in Search Party stages but for help with Search Party, head to our guide here.

Sunbaked Desert

W4: Sunbaked Desert

Valley Fulla Snootles

Flower Coins

  1. Down the first yellow pipe, you come to. Defeat the three Snootles.
  2. Just after the checkpoint, you come to an area where you need to bounce between the bouncy triangles.
  3. While platforming across copper pillars, hit one of the flower buds in the air to spawn the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the area when you’re running across the angled platforms, there’s an invisible block between two other blocks.
  • Effect
    • Everything moves in super slow motion.

The Desert Mystery

Flower Coins

  1. At the end of the first quicksand segment, pull the handle and reveal a pipe. Go down it and pull the handle to lower the platform.
  2. You come to a part with a bunch of yellow pipes, jump on the platform above it, and pull the handle to reveal a whole row of yellow pipes and one blue pipe. Go down the blue pipe. Then unravel the Mumsy just enough so you can bounce off his head.
  3. Just after checkpoint, you’ll come to a ramped triangular platform with a handle. Pull it to reveal the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • On the triangular platform after the third coin, pull the handle.
  • Effect
    • It raises platforms to create a pyramid, and you chase the Wonder Seed through a booby-trapped tomb

Ninji Jump Party

Flower Coins

  1. On the main path.
  2. Look for the coin peeking out from the red curtains. If you jump in time with the music, the curtains will open.
  3. On the main path.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Get the flower bud above the appearing and disappearing platform.
  • Effect
    • The Ninjis start a song that rewards you for jumping in rhythm (Mario will count, and the lights will get brighter when you do). Collect Wonder Tokens as you progress.

Armads on the Roll

Flower Coins

  1. In the sand pit, jump on the Armad to make it curl up, then toss it up into the floating flower bud repeatedly until it gives you the coin.
  2. Jump on the Koopa Troopa in the sandpit to make it go in its shell, then kick it in the sandpit to hit the bricks and reveal a propellor flower, which will take you to an area with vines and the coin.
  3. Go down the yellow pipe next to the pots and cacti and destroy the underground cacti to get the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Hit the airborne flower bud next to the cactus enemy to reveal the Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • Everything moves in super fast motion.

Rolling-Ball Hall

Flower Coins

  1. At the bottom of the first hill, there’s an area above where a spike ball comes from. Go up there once the ball falls to get the coin.
  2. On the multi-tiered platform, wait until the Revver is facing left, then pull the so it destroys the two blocks to reveal a new passage.
  3. After returning to the stage from the Wonder Effect, follow the spike ball all the way down the hill, and it will break bricks to get you the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After seeing the Wonder Flower, keep going, then hop on the block to reach above the ceiling and run left to get the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Giant Spike Balls appear while the level tilts back and forth. Need to get 5 Wonder Tokens while you run

Color-Switch Dungeon

Flower Coins

  1. After reaching the top of the first area, go through the next area but hit the color switch to reverse the Zip Tracks to be able to reach the first coin.
  2. After checkpoint and Wonder Effect, ride the Zip Tracks going down and jump off at the right time to get it.
  3. Go back up after getting coin 2. Carry a water pot to the end of the zip track and water the dried flower bud to spawn the third coin, which will drop down below. Jump down, making sure the color-switch is set to blue

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the area when it’s all silhouettes, hit the color switch block to activate the platforms you need, then sprint across without jumping to reach the Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • A Ghost Mario spawns and chases you around.

Secrets of Shova Mansion

Flower Coins

  1. In the first main room, go all the way right and push the block over to reveal the first coin.
  2. Go past the part where you drop the blocks into the slots and wall-jump up to the area where the Shova is with the Flower Coin.
  3. Go through the second door (one under the second coin) and push the block to the left to find the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After slotting the blocks into place, go through the door that appears to find the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Shovas push a Bowser statue, and you need to escape by pushing walls forward. Having the Elephant power-up helps, since it gives you more pushing power.

Bloomps of the Desert Skies

Flower Coins

  1. Go past the Bloomp that flies upward and grab the coin.
  2. In the next section, where there are two pink Bloomps facing upwards, bounce off the left one until it deflates completely, then transfer to the second one to reach the cloud platform with coin 2.
  3. You’ll see it below and between two platforms. Time it just right to bounce off the downward Bloomp to grab the coin and bounce onto the platform.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When the Bloomps are raining down on you, wait for the green one to appear, then pop it.
  • Effect
    • Mario turns into a balloon and floats while Bloomps come from below to send Mario flying upwards.

Flight of the Bloomps

Flower Coins

  1. On the second Bloomp section, bounce off the lowest one to get the coin. This one can be quite tricky, but the safety bounce badge can help. It’s easiest to bounce off the top, then the middle, then the bottom, as that will leave enough air in all of them to get you to safety after grabbing it.
  2. Bounce off green Bloomp up to the pipe and then go through Bloomp obstacle course to find a second coin.
  3. In the part where the Bloomps are going down and Talking Flower says, “It’s a long way down!” bounce all the way right to find the third coin in the clouds.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Right after checkpoint, it’s up in the clouds.
  • Effect
    • Giant Bloomps appear that slowly deflate as you bounce on them.

Sunbaked Desert Palace

Flower Coins

  1. Go past the first Thwomp, then a wall will appear, and you’ll need to wait until the new Thwomp goes back up.
  2. In between the two fire sticks, avoid the spike balls and pull the handle to reveal coin 2.
  3. After the slide down and the Thwomp sandpit, you’ll see coin 3 in the upper right-hand corner of the next sand pit. You need to use the Drill Mushroom to burrow into the ceiling before the coin and reach it that way.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Just after the checkpoint, a Spike Ball will be rolling back and forth above you. Avoid that and the enemy, then pull the handle to get the Wonder Flower
  • Effect
    • The on-screen action oscillates between super slow motion and super high speed.

KO Arena: Sunbaked Skirmish

Flower Coins

  1. Beat the KO Arena in 200 seconds or less.
  2. Beat the KO Arena in 150 seconds or less.
  3. Beat the KO Arena in 100 seconds or less.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in KO Arena courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Crouching High Jump II

Flower Coins

  1. After the falling platform. You can jump off the platform or Crouching High Jump into a wall jump.
  2. On the second falling platform, charge up a crouching high jump as it descends, then wait until the platform lets you get the coin, then crouching high jump out of it.
  3. Break through the bricks on the way up.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Parachute Cap II

Flower Coins

  1. While floating through the Piranha Plant corridor, the third flower bud rewards you with it.
  2. Shortly after dropping through the narrow Piranha Plant corridor, you’ll come to a precariously placed second coin. Time your jump and glide just right to get this one.
  3. On the final approach on the big hill, you need to get a near-perfect jump and glide to get the final coin and the top of the flagpole. It’s easier if you jump off the second dip instead of the top dip.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Expert Badge Challenge: Invisibility I

Flower Coins

  1. On top of the Bulrush.
  2. Jump on the left side of the second Bulrush to get it to break through the bricks to the second coin.
  3. When you see the third coin, jump on the right side of the Bulrush to get it down to the ground, then on the left side to get it to crash through the bricks to the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Bouncy Tunes

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Revver Run

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Treasure Vault

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Lights Out

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Raise the Stage

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Floating Wonder Tokens

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Hidden Poplin Shop (behind the pathway with the question block structure)

  • The Hidden Poplin Shop sells more Wonder Seeds than the usual Poplin Shops scattered across the Flower Kingdom. 
    • First Wonder Seed: 30 Flower Coins
    • Second Wonder Seed: 100 Flower Coins
    • Third Wonder Seed: 200 Flower Coins

Search Party: Pipe Park

  • There are no 10-Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers in Search Party stages but for help with Search Party, head to our guide here.

Fungi Mines

W5: Fungi Mines

Upshroom Downshroom

Flower Coins

  1. At the first giant fire-breathing Piranha Plant, hit the floating flower buds to cause the mushrooms to create steps up to the red pipe above, then in the new area, bounce up to get the coin. Getting past the Piranha plant is easier if you use one of the stunned enemies to throw at it.
  2. Before you go in the pipe to the next area, hit the flower bud and get to the blue mushroom platform before the bud’s sparkle in order to reach the second coin.
  3. Activate all the flower buds during the first part of the Wonder Effect to get the third coin to appear.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Destroy the glowing pumpkin.
  • Effect
    • All the pumpkins turn into Jack-o’-Lanterns and start bouncing up and down around you.

Taily’s Toxic Pond

Flower Coins

  1. When you get your Drill Mushroom out of the first power-up block, drill into the ceiling, then go right to hit the flower bud and reveal the coin.
  2. In the area with the tall mushroom, jump off the Taily ropes to get an extra boost, then go up the pipe and repeat the same maneuver. Crouching High jump also works to reach the top of the mushroom.
  3. In the final part, before the pipe to the flagpole, leave the last Taily alive, then let it open one of the blocks so you can go into the pipe, then swing off the Taily to reach the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • On the long mushroom platform, defeat all the Tailys.
  • Effect
    • You enter into a quiz sequence where you must pull on the corresponding Taily to answer the questions asked of you.

Beware of the Rifts

Flower Coins

  1. On the early platforms where the Rifts are circling, keep activating buds and hitting blocks to eventually make the first coin appear. The first coin will spawn after you hit the two connected blocks.
  2. You’ll see a single question block obscured by a rift with a Koopa Troopa beneath it. Jump on the Koopa Troopa, then throw it up to hit the block, spawning a vine that lets you climb to the area the second coin is in.
  3. Immediately upon exiting the area where the second coin was, hit the blocks by the next Koopa Troopa and get ready to catch the falling third coin before it goes into the pit.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the checkpoint, you’ll go past some increasingly unstable Rifts. Hit the single brick obscured by the Rift.
  • Effect
    • Ghost Mario spawns and chases you as you collect Wonder Tokens.

Light-Switch Mansion

Flower Coins

  1. In the second room, you’ll see it floating. Turn on the lights to see the full wall setup, buy basically, you need to go under it and come in from the right.
  2. Stun the second living door by jumping on it, then go through the door to reach the background area with the second coin. Activate the light switch on the left, then run to the right side to jump onto the platform with the coin.
  3. On the rotating platforms, activate the light switch so you can see better, then avoid the Boos on the final platform to get the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Skip the lone door and run across the invisible platform to the other side. Get to the checkpoint and go through the door there.
  • Effect
    • King Boo arrives to provide a chase sequence.

An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins

Flower Coins

  1. Before your ascent in the goo, lure the Konk to destroy the bricks to open the path to the first coin.
  2. After you climb up in the goo, go to the bottom right of the first goo pit and go into the pipe. Clear all the Wubbas out of the room to get the coin.
  3. While in the Wonder Effect, go through the Konk sequence, then, when you spot the coin in the upper part of your screen, go past it and then climb on the on the ceiling and glop around to retrieve the coin. If you don’t have the Wonder Effect, you can get on the Konk and use it as an elevator.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When you see a sideways L-shaped goo with a Konk beneath and a row of five blocks, go up and lure the Konk to hit it.
  • Effect
    • You turn into a Wubba, allowing you to climb around on sideways surfaces and ceilings.

Another Uncharted Area: Swaying Ruins

Flower Coins

  1. After the two sequences with the Mumsies, activate the flower bud, and it will spawn the coin on the wall. Time your wall jump so the sway is favorable for your return and you don’t fall into the pit.
  2. Floating over the spike pit. Wait for the sliding block to come to the left of the spike pit, then jump over the block and get the coin as it’s sliding back right.
  3. After the checkpoint, go through the door. When you see all the sliding blocks, wait for them to go right, then run in the tunnel to the left to get the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the part where you’re activating swaying platforms, when you get to the one with the brown blocks, activate it, then get on the sliding block. It will go left, then right to the next platform. Wait for it to pass by the door and go inside.
  • Effect
    • Every surface turns into a slippery goo that affects how Mario handles.

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins

Flower Coins

  1. As you go through the rising poison area, you’ll see it just out of reach. You can get it with the crouching high jump or get on the adjacent platform and hit the flower bud to move the block.
  2. As you continue your ascent, jump under the duo of Koopa Paratroopas to reach the second coin.
  3. During the Wonder Effect, instead of going to the flagpole, go up the ceiling. Then in the part where the green blocks fall down, climb down the wall and under to find the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the climbing room, ground pound the goo in the next room.
  • Effect
    • You turn into a Wubba, allowing you to climb around on sideways surfaces and ceilings. 

Operation Poplin Rescue

Secret Exit

  • After receiving the Royal Seed from this location, return to it, and the Poplins will open the secret exit to Special World.

KO Arena: Fungi Funk

Flower Coins

  1. Beat the KO Arena in 200 seconds or less.
  2. Beat the KO Arena in 140 seconds or less.
  3. Beat the KO Arena in 90 seconds or less.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in KO Arena courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Grappling Vine I

Flower Coins

  1. As you begin climbing, it’ll appear on the left. Use the grappling vine to get to it.
  2. Coin 2 is between the two goo blocks. Grappling between them to get it.
  3. Grapple to the moving box with the Talking Flower inside and kick off of it to reach it.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Rumble House

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Trottin’ Piranha Plants

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Deep Magma Bog

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

W6: Deep Magma Bog

Where the Rrrumbas Rule

Flower Coins

  1. Under the first set of Topple Rocks. Use a Drill Mushroom to go under the blue bricks and into the contained area, or jump on nearby Rrrumba to go in that direction.
  2. Right before Topple Rock you can use to defeat the Spinies, go to the higher platform, and use the Drill Mushroom on the ceiling to enter a new area above where the coin will be waiting. You’ll need to burrow in the ceiling and drop down to get it
  3. When you come to a series of topple rocks that can only go one way with a pipe beneath, jump on the Rrrumba that’s above it and push it down the right side to open the Topple Rock Path to the pipe. In the coin room, wall jump off the Topple Rocks to avoid the lava and get the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Destroy the purple-glowing Rrrumba late in the stage that’s rolling around on the elevated downhill platform.
  • Effect
    • You turn into a Spike Ball and roll through an obstacle course, complete with bowling pin sound effects.

Secret Exit

  • When you come to the tall Topple Rock, run up it and use the Drill Mushroom in the ceiling to reach a secret pipe. You can also use the high jump badges instead of running up the tall Topple Rock, but you absolutely need the Drill Mushroom

Raarghs in the Ruins

Flower Coins

  1. Let the first Raargh crash down, then get the coin behind him.
  2. While riding the windmill blocks, hit the flower buds and get all the way to the end to get the second coin right below the platform.
  3. Using the Drill Mushroom, climb the ceiling above the long question block, jump up on the platform, then use the drill mushroom to go under the big green block and get the third coin. Be sure to get out of there before the Raargh gets you.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Drop down from the third coin or climb up and around instead of going in the pipe from the main path to find the Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • The gameplay shifts to the top-down perspective. You can’t attack or jump, so you must navigate the enemies and obstacles as you work to stay ahead of encroaching lava from above.

Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship

Flower Coins

  1. After the part where you pull the handle to stop the flames, drop down on the pole and let go, then wall jump out to survive.
  2. It’s under the ledge after the part where you are climbing on the poles. Go to the right side of the coin, and stun the mecha Koopa, then pick it up, and throw it at the coin.
  3. Don’t hit the first P-Block you come to. Instead, use the yellow wall to wall jump off to reach the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Climb to the other side of the Flower and hit the P-Block to access the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Bowser fires his cannons at you as you try to make your way through the stage.

Pull, Turn, Burn

Flower Coins

  1. Drop down and hit the Buzzy Beetle to bounce back up and get the coin without falling into the lava.
  2. When you come to the several stacked flame wheels shortly thereafter, pull the handle to the right to give yourself more time, then jump off the slightly elevated platform to the higher platform that the second coin is on.
  3. After the checkpoint, pull the handle to rotate the flame wheels, then climb up and over to reach the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • By the sleeping Goomba, pull the handle until the Flower appears.
  • Effect
    • You become able to swim through lava. You must swim around, collecting Wonder Tokens.

Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube

Flower Coins

  1. Jump ahead as soon as you see the first coin so you can grab it, then jump back on.
  2. After the Wonder Effect, after you get on the next train, bounce off the Buzzy Beetle to grab the coin and get back on.
  3. At the very end, bounce off the Buzzy Beetle to reach the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Very early in the level, time your jump for the changing power-up block to receive the Flower.
  • Effect
    • A giant Spike fires magma boulders at you while you dodge.

Hot-Hot Hot!

Flower Coins

  1. Throw a water pot on the hot-hot blocks to cool them off, then grab the first coin.
  2. Use the Elephant Fruit or the chain skeleton guys to break the bricks leading to the pipe, then grab the star to run across the hot-hot blocks and reach the coin.
  3. Wall jump up the hot-hot blocks and pull the handle to get the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the middle of all the hot-hot blocks, water the flower bud at the top of the hill in front of what looks like a cave framed by a rib cage.
  • Effect
    • Water bubbles fall from the sky as you swim around to collect Wonder Tokens.

Secret Exit

  • Go up on the clouds and activate the flower bud, then hit the next one and follow it all the way left until it gives you a secret door that turns the level into silhouettes.

Dragon Boneyard

Flower Coins

  1. Early on, wait for the opening of the rotating circle to arrive on the top and go in to get the coin.
  2. Skip the first pipe by bouncing off the bird and running on the roof to a secret second pipe.
  3. Get in the circle fossil rock and ride it until the coin appears. When it does, get out on the platform and wait for the rotation to come back again and get it, then get back in the circle before you reach the end of the platforms.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Ground pound the glowing spot on the circular fossil rock.
  • Effect
    • The circular fossil resurrects as a living dragon that you ride through the stage.

Deep Magma Bog Palace

Flower Coins

  1. As soon as you enter the palace, grab the coin under the platform by jumping on the circular platform. You need to be quick for this one.
  2. Bounce off the Dry Bones to get the right height where you get the coin, but you don’t hit the hazardous ceiling.
  3. During the Wonder Effect, ride the dragon fossil to the end, then let it take you low enough to get the final coin before jumping out of danger.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Right after the checkpoint, carry a water jug into the circular fossil rock and water the dried flower bud.
  • Effect
    • Mario turns into a Wubba as you ride the circular fossil through the stage.

KO Arena: Magma Flare-Up

Flower Coins

  1. Beat the KO Arena in 200 seconds or less.
  2. Beat the KO Arena in 150 seconds or less.
  3. Beat the KO Arena in 100 seconds or less.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in KO Arena courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Floating High Jump II

Flower Coins

  1. After the Piranha Plant, go left and wall jump to get the coin.
  2. On the moving platform, jump over the two regular-sized Piranha Plants and hit the flower bud to reveal the coin.
  3. Ride the moving platform right off the rail, then use the floating high jump to get to safety.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Boosting Spin Jump II

Flower Coins

  1. On the rotating bouncy triangles, bounce off the top one and use the boosting spin jump to reach coin 1.
  2. Just after that first coin, get the checkpoint, and use the boosting spin jump to snag the coin and get back on the platform.
  3. To the right of the final set of bouncy triangles.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Grappling Vine II

Flower Coins

  1. Ride the first Zip Track all the way to the top.
  2. On the second Zip Track, keep your eyes on the right of the screen and jump and grapple right after the blue Zip Track ends.
  3. After riding the Zip Track that causes you the fall for a bit, grapple to the next Zip Track as late as possible to get the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Expert Badge Challenge: Jet Run II

Flower Coins

  1. On the main path early on.
  2. Once you get to the top, you need to time your midair jump right to reach it.
  3. In the second room, go past the first exit pipe and keep climbing to go into the second exit pipe.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Expert Badge Challenge: Invisibility II

Flower Coins

  1. At the end of the first sequence, do a short bounce to get under the platform to claim coin 1.
  2. After the checkpoint, get on the moving bouncy platform and keep holding the jump button to do high jumps, and when the platform goes up, you’ll bounce high enough to get the coin.
  3. Get in Lakitu’s cloud by hitting the flower bud and bouncing up there, then float to the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Expert Badge Challenge: Spring Feet II

Flower Coins

  1. On the main path.
  2. On the main path.
  3. Stop on the platform beneath the final coin and wait for the swinging coin to align with your bounce.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Break Time! Hot-Hot Rocks

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Break Time! courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Search Party: Item Park

  • There are no 10-Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers in Search Party stages but for help with Search Party, head to our guide here.

Petal Isles

Petal Isles

Leaping Smackerel

Flower Coins

  1. Shortly after you get underwater, lure the Smackerel to clear the brown blocks above the coin so you can reach it.
  2. Go up the pipe in between the two barnacle enemies and above the Smackerel.
  3. In the part where the currents are pushing you around, hit the second long question block to spawn a vine you can climb down.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • At the checkpoint, hit the long question block above.
  • Effect
    • Giant Smackerel spawns and begins eating up the ground as you collect Wonder Tokens.

Robbird Cove

Flower Coins

  1. Using the Dolphin Kick badge or by swimming while holding a shell or item, swim into the current coming out of the pipe to go down the first pipe.
  2. After the part with the sea anemone and the green pipe pushing out water but right before the checkpoint, stomp on the sea turtle enemy and use its shell to bounce it between the next pipe and the wall of bricks with the POW block (the Dolphin Kick Badge also works). Go down the pipe and hit the successive flower buds to eventually spawn the second coin.
  3. Fall through the yellow platform and go right to get the coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Hit the floating bud above the yellow platform shortly after the checkpoint and hit the flower bud it spawns, then follow it all the way to the left to get the Flower
  • Effect
    • The stage’s water and air swap places so you can swim where there was once air and run where there was once water.

Blewbird Roost

Flower Coins

  1. As you start your ascent, let the Blewbird shoot its platform to the left to allow you to reach the first coin.
  2. Instead of going up the yellow pipe at the top of your ascent, have the Blewbird shoot its platform to the right, then jump off it to get the invisible block that spawns a vine. Go up the red pipe.
  3. At the beginning of your next climb, get the bouncing Blewbird to shoot its platform near the flower bud inside the wall on the right side of the screen. Use the Bubble Flower (or Elephant trunk swing) to hit the bud.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When you see the dip with two bouncing Blewbirds, ground pound the glowing spot in the middle.
  • Effect
    • Blewbirds start blowing bubbles instead of platforms as you move upward.

Downpour Uproar

Flower Coins

  1. Hit the Flower Bud above the Talking Flower that says how much he loves the beach.
  2. After seeing coin 2, go past it and drop into the water. Using the Dolphin Kick badge or holding a shell, swim under the land mass against the current and up to the coin you just walked past.
  3. After the checkpoint, go to the rightmost downpour cloud and swim up until you’re even with the pipe. Go into the pipe once the waterfall is up against it.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Once you get to the top of all the Downpour Clouds next to each other, you’ll see the Wonder Flower peaking out of the clouds above the music note blocks.
  • Effect
    • You go flying upwards and float through a giant lightning storm.

Jewel-Block Cave

Flower Coins

  1. It’s stuck in a Jewel Block. Use Konk to break it.
  2. After the checkpoint, lure blue Konk to hit the underside of the center set of bricks to reveal a vine. Climb up to find a new area.
  3. After emerging from Wonder Effect and returning to the main level, use a Drill Mushroom to burrow into the ceiling and go into the blocked area with the final coin. Note: You cannot burrow up a vertical wall, so use it to wall-jump to the flatter area if you must.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Encased in Jewel Block shortly after checkpoint.
  • Effect
    • A giant Konk crushes downward, and you must drop faster than it.

Petal Isles Flying Battleship

Flower Coins

  1. After riding a cloud, you’ll see the coin between alternating flamethrowers. Use the cloud to time it right to retrieve it, or you can wall jump out of there.
  2. After going up and over in the cloud, you’ll see two green pipes coming from the ceiling. Go up the first one.
  3. After activating Wonder Flower, float up and either ground pound the boxes surrounding the final coin or lure Bowser into destroying them.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Shortly after the checkpoint, ground pound the boxes to get the Wonder Flower.
  • Effect
    • Bowser starts targeting you with his cannons. Avoid them as you make your way through the stage.

Gnawsher Lair

Flower Coins

  1. Early in the stage, you’ll see a long line of flower buds. You need to get to them before the Gnawsher eats the blocks to spawn the Flower Coin.
  2. Shortly after the first, hit the question block to reveal a propellor flower, which takes you to an area where you need to defeat five Galoombas. A Gnawsher will help you, but be quick about getting the coin.
  3. In the area with all the vines, bounce off a Gnawsher to retrieve it.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • In the area with all the vines, look for the glowing question block.
  • Effect
    • A wall of Gnawshers chases you. POW blocks temporarily stun them.

Maw-Maw Mouthful

Flower Coins

  1. You’ll see it above on top of a structure with an arch. Bounce off a Maw-Maw or use the Crouching High Jump Badge to reach it
  2. While in the Wonder Effect, the first time you drop down, wait for the Maw-Maw below to go to the right before you drop, then go left to be able to walk on the spikes and get the coin.
  3. After the Wonder Effect, go back and up slightly to find a pipe. Go inside and defeat the Maw-Maw first, then use the Swirlypod shells to break the blocks. Be careful not to destroy the shells or get them trapped in the left-side pit.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the checkpoint, drop down and pull the handle to reveal the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Turns you into a Goomba, and you must sneak past the Maw-Maws to avoid being eaten and get the Seed.

Muncher Fields

Flower Coins

  1. It’s not the one you see at the start. Instead, go down the pipe and into the background. The first one is high in the air. You can use the Crouching High Jump badge, or you can destroy the Munchers on the pipe to make it rise up.
  2. While still in the background, use the POW block to destroy the triangular blocks with the Munchers. This will lower the red pipe and let you go into the foreground. Get the star and go left until you retrieve that coin you saw at the start.
  3. At the final screen, use the POW blocks to destroy the Munchers on the ground, then go left under the ledge to find the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the checkpoint, you’ll see a glowing Talking Flower. Go just past him and ground pound the long question block. Grab the star and go left across the munchers, then ground pound the glowing Talking Flower.
  • Effect
    • You turn into a silhouette and play through the stage with moving landscapes that react to where you stand on them

Missile Meg Mayhem

Flower Coins

  1. At the start of the gap where you need to ride the Missile Meg, hit the floating flower bud to reveal the first coin.
  2. Before going up the pink pipe, go right by climbing on Missile Megs until you get the coin.
  3. After going through the pipe, activate the flower bud at the start of the gap and ride the top Missile Meg all the way to the end and then under the platform.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Right after the third coin, ride a Missile Meg to grab the Flower.
  • Effect
    • A sequence where you ride Missile Megs in varying patterns and collecting coins.

High-Voltage Gauntlet

Flower Coins

  1. When you see an electric current and three enemies stacked on top of each other, time your drop correctly and avoid the enemies as they are hazardous thanks to the electricity. Grab the coin, and wall jump out of there.
  2. When you come to the vertical electrical currents and the zig-zag currents with the line of coins, don’t destroy the three enemies on top of each other. Instead, bounce off of them to reach the top of the structure for coin 2.
  3. Once you go past the pink pipe, jump on the ceiling Zip Track, then drop down mid-way to grab the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    •  Skip the pink pipe and continue past the third coin to grab the Flower.
  • Effect
    • Your character becomes the Metal version (complete with Metal Mario theme) and is powered up by the electricity the way the enemies in this stage are.

Evade the Seeker Bullet Bills!

Flower Coins

  1. It appears pretty late in the course, but when you’re jumping across pink pipes, you’ll see it. Simply hit the flower bud to activate the pink pipe, then slide down the side of the pipe and wall jump out to grab the coin, and survive.
  2. At the end of the sequence where you’re opening up paths in the pipes, hit the flower bud at the end to show it populating something above your sight. Wall jump off the pipe on the left side of the opening in the ceiling, then wall jump off the pipe on the right to reach the platform and coin
  3. Shortly after the checkpoint, either lure the Seeker Bullet Bills to destroy the bricks or use your Elephant power to break them to get the third coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • When you see the giant Seeker Bullet Bills and the bricks with a line of coins. Go down that pit to enter the next area where the Flower is.
  • Effect
    • Ride a ship with a cannon you can fire to destroy the stage and its enemies.

KnuckleFest: Bowser’s Blazing Beats

Flower Coins

  1. You’ll come to coin one on one of the jump-powered platforms. Use the snake-like Bill fired at you to bounce to the coin and back up to the platform.
  2. After running across the air-powered platforms, you’ll see it up in the air. When the fists go back up, use the last air-powered platform to get enough height to jump to the coin.
  3. During the Wonder Effect, when the platforms are popping out of the liquid, you’ll see it on the wall. You can wall jump off it or bounce off the snake-like Bill to get to the platform.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the checkpoint, you’ll encounter the Flower.
  • Effect
    • A music-based platforming sequence where everything moves to the beat.

The Final Battle: Bowser’s Rage Stage

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to retrieve in this stage.

KO Arena: Petal Meddle

Flower Coins

  1. Beat the KO Arena in 180 seconds or less.
  2. Beat the KO Arena in 130 seconds or less.
  3. Beat the KO Arena in 80 seconds or less.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in KO Arena courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Dolphin Kick I

Flower Coins

  1. Catch the trailing Talking Flower.
  2. Catch the middle Talking Flower.
  3. Catch the leading flower. To do so, you shouldn’t follow the flower’s path and instead take the more direct route that doesn’t involve serpentining through the obstacles.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Dolphin Kick II

Flower Coins

  1. In one of the early areas where you’re swimming through stage elements that rapidly open and close.
  2. After the second checkpoint, when you come to the giant rotating squares, it’s in the upper-left corner of that section.
  3. In the part with the squares that move back and forth diagonally, it’s in the lower-right corner. You’ll need to Dolphin Kick through the bricks to reach it.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Badge Challenge: Boosting Spin Jump I

Flower Coins

  1. It appears during the second gap.
  2. It’s a couple of screens after the first one. Just after clearing the gap.
  3. It’s after the next gap on the upper path.

Wonder Flower

  • There are no Wonder Flowers to find in Badge Challenges. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Wiggler Race: Swimming!

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Wiggler Race courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Wiggler Race: Spelunking!

  • There are no 10 Flower Coins or Wonder Flowers to find in Wiggler Race courses. You will receive a Wonder Seed for completing the level.

Special World

Special World

Pipe-Rock Plateau Special: Bounce, Bounce, Bounce

Flower Coins

  1. Bounce on the first Hoppo and go under the platform to reach the first coin.
  2. Jump onto the falling platform after the Hoppo drops down.
  3. After trading off to the next Hoppo, go low the next time you get on solid ground to reach the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • Hoppos let you bounce along the path.

Fluff-Puff Peaks Special: Climb to the Beat

Flower Coins

  1. On the first 180° turn you have to make with wall-jump.
  2. On the part after wall-jumps and turns into platforming.
  3. On a platform as the speed starts ramping up. You’ll need to be on a perfect run to have time for this one.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • A timer appears as the blocks start spawning to the beat.

Shining Falls Special: Triple Threat Deluxe

Flower Coins

  1. In the Wonder Effect, hit the successive flower buds to spawn the first coin. You’ll need to catch it since it’s bouncing around on the course elements.
  2. After using the Spike Ball to clear the wall, you’ll see coin 2 on the upper part of the path. Use caution since it’s hard to see what’s coming from the background.
  3. Beneath the rotating fire stick near the end of the Wonder Effect. Walk with the fire stick’s rotation to reach it.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • After the first segment, it’s on the main path.
  • Effect
    • The gameplay shifts to a top-down perspective, and Spike Balls rain down like a pachinko or pinball machine.

Sunbaked Desert Special: Pole Block Allure

Flower Coins

  1. Almost right after Wonder Effect starts, it rolls down the hill with an Armad.
  2. In areas where poles are extending and retracting, bounce off the Bloomps and to the pole to get the second coin.
  3. On the ascension part of the stage after the Talking Flower tells you to hurry, it’ll be on the right side of a set of Pole Blocks that extend.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • Shortly after the start, it’ll be inside the highest Bloomp. Bounce off the other Bloomps to reach it.
  • Effect
    • The Pole Blocks all extend and retract, and a ton of Bloomps come onto the screen.

Fungi Mines Special: Dangerous Donut Ride

Flower Coins

  1. As the first falling platform reaches the bottom, jump off the Trompette to reach coin 1.
  2. When you ride the long platform with pipes and spikes on the sides, look for the second coin on the right of the screen.
  3. Near the start of the free-fall Wonder Effect, dodge the trap with the coins circling it, then go under it to get the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
    • At the bottom of the long falling platform.
  • Effect
    • A free fall through the spikes and one-hit-KO traps as enemies fall with you.

Deep Magma Bog Special Solar Roller

Flower Coins

  1. You’ll see it slightly outside of the main path. Just bounce off the bouncy triangle to reach it.
  2. You’ll need to be quick and double back slightly to reach it, but it’s possible with precise timing.
  3. In the dragon portion, once you jump over the magma ball, it’ll be right there.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • Mario turns into a Spike Ball to roll through the stage.

Petal Isles Special: Way of the Goomba

Flower Coins

  1. Ride the Thwomp up to the top and jump off to get coin 1.
  2. On the bouncy part, go low on the moving platforms section and get the coin, then bounce back up.
  3. When the Blewbirds are shooting bubbles out, drop low enough to get the coin, then bounce out.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • Mario transforms into a Goomba, meaning he cannot jump high as he works through this stage.

The Semifinal Test: Piranha Plant Reprise

Flower Coins

  1. Keep hitting the successive long blocks as you go through the early parts of the stage. Eventually, the coin will spawn in the main path.
  2. Continue hitting the next sequence of successive long blocks to spawn the second coin after a few.
  3. In the speedrun portion, it’s between two giant Piranha Plants. You need to be extra careful with your jump to get this one without getting hit.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • The course turns into a challenging song-and-dance routine by the Piranha Plants.

The Final Test: Wonder Gauntlet

Flower Coins

  1. Hit the flower bud once you’re back on solid ground, and stay to the left of the pipe until it falls.
  2. When it turns to a silhouette, go the lowest route. You’ll likely need a power-up to get through the enemies. The coin is all the way at the end.
  3. Bounce off the Rolla Koopas to reach the final coin.

Wonder Flower

  • Location
  • Effect
    • A collection of several Wonder Effects rotate as you progress through the stage.

The Final-Final Test: Badge Marathon

Flower Coins

  1. During the electricity gauntlet in the Dolphin Kick segment, go in the full circle and grab the successive flower buds.
  2. On the right side of the Wall Climb Jump Section. Use the Melon Piranha Plant seeds to reach it.
  3. During the Invisibility portion, it’s high above one of the bouncy triangles.

Which challenges did you struggle the most with in Super Mario Bros. Wonder? Did our guide help you find any Flower Coins or Wonder Seeds? Or was the most difficult part of getting to 100 percent completion something else entirely? Sound off in the comments below and be sure to check out our review of Super Mario Bros. Wonder right here.

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