Much like black, brown eyeliner can be applied in a number of different ways. I personally love using a brown pencil or crayon for tight-lining my eyes. I angle the pencil upwards and apply it right into my lash line which helps to add subtle definition and creates the illusion of fuller lashes without it looking like I have any eyeliner on. If you’ve previously found black eyeliner over-powering, but tight-lining with a brown liner has a totally different result which you’ll probably find more flattering.
“The great thing about brown eyeliner is that you don’t have to be too neat and if you want a smoky, smudgy look you can just use a pencil brush to blend,” says Clarkson. She also recommends tight-lining to start with, but for a bolder look she suggests dragging the brown liner into a wing whilst keeping your eyes open to add some extra shape. “If you feel like it adds too much product, instead of applying directly with the pencil, put a generous amount onto the back of your hand and use a small angled brush to apply along the lash line, building it up to your perfect amount.”
Of course, brown eyeliners also come in felt tip pen applicators, which can be used for a more traditional thick line or cat-eye wing. Although this does require a steady hand (and cotton buds to clean up any mistakes!), any error in the shape will be much less noticeable than a black eyeliner would be. Plus, the overall effect will be more subtle.