If you’re looking for a bunch of really great stuff, you’ve landed in the right spot. That’s right. I spent the day scrolling through Nordstrom, one of my go-to stores, and I freaked out over the special gems I uncovered. I found several versatile items that are impossibly chic without being wildly trendy. In essence, these staple pieces won’t serve as one-hit wonders but will instead be essentials for seasons to come.
To give you a little preview, you’ll find elevated basics like denim, relaxed shirting, blazers, and more. On the shoe front, I made sure to include easy sandals you can wear multiple times per week, along with some more investment-worthy silhouettes if that’s of interest. There’s also a mix of pretty dresses, bags, jewelry, and more.
Keep scrolling to check out the 50 times I love at Nordstrom right now.