The Blue Moon is about to be an even more rare occurrence.
The rare event is dubbed a Super Blue Moon, which is when the rocky satellite will be slightly larger than normal and have a bright appearance in the night sky.
Turns out that this rarity won’t be back again until 2037, so it’s a good time to know just how to see it!
Keep reading to find out more…
While it’s called a blue moon, there’s actually nothing blue about the color.
The “Blue Moon” moniker comes from having two full moons occurring in the same calendar month.
You can start seeing the Super Blue Moon in the sky around 8:30 p.m. ET, but peak viewing will be around 9:30 p.m., according to Time.
Starchasers will be able to see the moon throughout the night, as it continues into the early morning hours of September 1.
The next Super Blue Moon is expected to happen in January, and December of 2037.